No Girl for You, Luna: Chapter IV - Pincipal's Office

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Mina's P.O.V.

I'm so bored! I thought, as I walked back and forth in my room. Usually, Luna was with me, making fun of preps or things like that, but now, she was in detention. Ugh! So, knowing I was gonna get bored as hell, I invited Jessy and Kim over. I didn't like them that much, but they kept me protected from the idiots at school. I sighed. If only Luna did the same.

"Oh My God...look at this skirt! It's so beautiful!" Jessy screamed with emotion. Seriously, I'm standing just besides you! Don't scream!  

"Yeah...I bought it like a month ago. It was the last one on sale." I kept walking from side to side. This hour was passing by so slowly...

"Oh My God, please, can you lend it to us?" Kim saw all excited. I quickly stopped and considered what could happen if I did.  

One, I would never see it again, well, at least inside my closet.  

Second, they would ask me to lend them MORE cloth, and I would have to go in a naked-spree for cloth.  

And third, Luna was going to kill me, because I had bought that with her, and obviously, she isn't going to be thrilled with knowing I gave something mine to "the boobie-twins" . So, just when I was going to say no...

"Yeah, sure. What are friends for?" the jumped and screamed with emotion as I fought with myself. No! Why does my mouth never obey my mind?

The thought of kissing Luna came to me, but I quickly shook it off. Suddenly, my phone rang. Jessy and Kim shut up and when I looked to see who was calling, it was Greg. I gave a sly look to the twins and they giggled, walking out of the room to give me privacy.

"Hi, baby." I said with a seductive tone.  

"Hello, my cute baby. How are you?" he was so adorable!  

"Good, baby, good. Though Luna's in detention, so I'm completely bored with the twins."  

His tone got a little angrier as he said: "Oh...I see..."  

I wonder why..."What's wrong?"  

"It's just that...I don't like you being friends with that trouble-maker Luna. She's not a good person."

I got really angry and told him "You're no one to pick my friends. And you don't know her. She's a really nice person once you get to know her."  

"My sister told me what she did yesterday, Mina. She told me she punched someone and almost killed him, and...and that she kissed you by force."

My entire body froze. I had forgotten all about his sister. She was in the same classroom as me, but we never talked. She feared Luna as a worm feared birds. She was a nice girl, though.

But what could I say now? That I had kissed her back? That she fell on my mouth? That I was- I got it. "That's a lie, Greg. She was just hugging me because we were happy to be rescued. Oh I still have to tell you all about that. See, we were on the forest, on the field trip and..."

I continued to talk to him about the field trip, trying to get his mind off Luna. I didn't want him to criticize my best friend. She meant the entire world to me. Of course I had gotten angry with her yesterday, but when I got home, I calmed myself, thinking that she has been the person who has always been there for me. When I fell and scratched my knees in the second grade, she was there, holding my hands and calming me. When bullies were bothering me in the fifth grade, she beat them and made them run away. When we were in the ninth grade, she helped me score with guys.  

She was the best friend one could have...

Luna's P.O.V.

"To the principal's office!" I hear Mr. DickFace yell at us. I stood up, swiftly, and picked my bookbag. I headed out the door, feeling Brian's footsteps behind me, and entered the principal's office.

"You knock before you enter, you know?" the principal told me. Principal Jefferson was an old douche bag. He had grey hair, that probably was a wig, and a big, ugly mustache. Also, was a kind of chubby, and extra small. Just like a bunny (except for the fact that a bunny doesn't slap students).  

"Yeah, whatever."

Knock! Knock!  

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." The principal said, as Brian came in. He shot me a dirty look.

"See? That's how a person enters a room." And if you don't shut up about knocking on a door, I'll knock your wig out, I thought.

"I'm here because of a problem Luna and I had in the detention room." he said, sounding all nice and shit.  

"What was that problem, Miss Sabers?" he asked me, because he obviously knew my name. Every month I paid him a visit in here.

"Mr. Di-" I interrupted myself, cause I was preeety sure that if I said DickFace in front of the principal, I was going to get screwed. "Mr. Spanish class sent me here."

He looked confused, until he finnaly understood what I had said. "Well, Mr..." he was going to say, but he didn't know Brian's second name.  

"Conner." He said, with a proud look on his face.  

"Mr. Conner already said that. But why did he send you two here?"

Brian and I stood there, in silence, waiting for the other to answer. Apparently, he wasn't going to say anything, so when I opened my mouth to blame it all on him, he spoke.  

"We had a fight about personal beliefs and that lead to a physical confrontation. "

Whaaa?!? I was sure the right answer was "She kicked my ass, I called her a dyke and bully, she kicked my ass again and we're here" so it completely shocked me to hear him say that.

"Sounds like a good reason, Mr. Connor. But still, seeing the fact that you two are already in detention, I'm gonna have to send you guys to communitarian service. You'll be cleaning every day the school's court after you get out of detention, for one hour. Starting tomorrow."

We couldn't stand each other for thirty minutes, and now we had to be for two fucking hours together?!?! What's next? Having to sleep in the same bed too? I sighed. Not only was I going to get annoyed as never before, but I was going to get more stressed over homework.

You can always do it in detention, I little voice in my head said, but quickly went away. I can't study in a place I don't feel safe in.

~~~~~AFTER SCHOOL~~~~~

I got in my Mazda and drove to Mina's house. That was the only place I wanted to go. Mom had already gotten used to me getting home at eight, because she knew Mina was a good girl.

As Cities Burn's "Contact" played on the radio. I sang along with it until I got to Mina's house. But when I was going to park my car in the usual spot, another car, a Volvo, which I recognized as the boobie-twins' was parked.

I sighed. Can't wait to see those bitches again...




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