No Girl for You, Luna: Chapter V- Reminiscence

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I entered the house and found Kim with Mina's skirt on her hands. I remembered that skirt perfectly: Mina had bought it with me not long ago. I sighed and walked towards Kim, taking by force the skirt.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!? Mina lent it to me." I looked at Mina's ashamed look and sighed. It isn't such a big deal. It's just a shirt -which you bought with her in your first shopping spree- my head said.  I shook the thoughts away and looked at Mina straight to the eyes, not making her know I was angry, but letting her know she was forgiven.

"Hey, can I talk to you outside?" I told her. After detention, I wasn't feeling like myself. I felt kind of sad. I should really start acting like a little good girl, just like I was before the accident, six years ago, when everyone was so proud of me...

"You have such a young, pretty girl! You must be proud of yourself." I always heard from the mouths of strangers, talking to Mom.

"Yes. I'm so proud of her." And always the same answer. My first brother was still alive at that time. He was 14 years old. Every time they started talking about me, he got angry and started to name bad things about me, like, that I didn't like waking up in the mornings, or that I didn't know how to brush my hair, or that I sometimes peed on my bed when I had bad dreams. Mom grounded him each time, but he kept telling people the same things over and over again. I was smart at my age, so I understood he was just jealous.

Still, it always hurt me to be treated that way by him. Kyle was not the smartest kida around, or the most cooperative. He was always fighting with Mom. So, it seemed like my mom loved me more than him. Or at least that's what he always said and believed.  

One day, I was playing in our tree house, or shall I say: MY tree house. I had to admit my tree house was extremely big. It was built in a really old tree, so it had space for a large room. 

Mom banned Kyle from there as a punishment for pushing me down the stairs once.

So, as everybody knows, the forbidden fruit is the one that tastes better. He always tried going inside, but never succeeded. Until one night, I left the tree house's lock open and he got in. All night he stood hidden inside of it, probably waiting to frighten me in the morning when I got inside of it. But that morning never came to him. Why? Well... 


"Mommy! I can't find Kyle!" I screamed frantically at mom. She looked at me and with a soothing voice said: "Don't worry. He's somewhere around here. He's fine. Just go to sleep, honey." I still couldn't go to sleep. I loved my brother, even if he didn't love me.

So, I decided to go on a non-ending search for my brother! I looked under the beds, inside the closets, behind doors, in the basement, behind the couch, everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found.

I went outside and screamed "Kyle! Kyley, where are you?!?" I listened carefully and heard a chuckle coming from my tree house. 

So, to take Kyle by surprise, I yelled at the air: "I can't find you, but you must be inside, so I'll just go inside and wait until morning. Though I don't know...I don't want to lose time to be inside my tree house!" And with this said, I got neat the back door of the house and slammed it, so that he would think I had entered the house.

Quickly, I crawled on the floor until I got to the ladder, so he wouldn't see me through the window. When I got there, I silently started to go up. He had left the small door open, so I went up, hoping he was still looking out the window. When I raised my head a little, I saw that indeed he was poking his head out the tree house's window. Swiftly, I came up and stood behind him. He seemed to notice someone was close so he turned his body around.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2010 ⏰

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