4: Uncharted Waters

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Lance swam rapidly out of the village. He didn't even think about where he was going until he approached the sharp rocks that now looked black in the dark of the night. He swam behind them, his chest heaving. He rested against the sand, a hand against his beating heart.

What am I doing? The thought repeated in Lance's mind. It's bad enough I went here yesterday, but to go twice? My parents are probably looking for me, and if they find me here... Lance looked back to the distant view of the village. Who am I kidding? They won't ever think to look for me here. This thought calmed him a bit. His eyes looked out beyond the rocks, to the vast darkness that surrounded him. In front of him was the shore he was forbidden to go; and behind lay his home he had run from, and his family who were searching for him. Lance pulled his tail up to rest his chin on it, and joined his hands around it. He sighed, unsure about what to do. If it wasn't obvious, Lance had never actually ran away from home before.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a coarse shout.


The mer gasped, recognizing the voice. He swished his tail out from under him and frantically looked for a place to hide. There was none, aside from where he currently was behind the large rocks. He planted his back flat against the rock, hoping that he wouldn't be found. He closed his eyes as an added measure.

"There you are! What on Earth are you doing here?" Lance squinted his eyes open to see Veronica looking down at him. Her dark purple tail moved back and forth, her luminescent markings glowing eerily in the dark.

"NO-thing! Just enjoying a nice midnight swim!" Lance stammered, his voice not helping him seem believable at all. Veronica lifted an eyebrow and looked over the rim of her glasses. She gave a classic not-amused look. Lance chuckled nervously, and Veronica sighed.

"Lance, come on. Come home," She said. Lance shook his head.

"No, Roni, I can't go back right now."

"Why not?" Lance swam in front of her and backed away slightly.

"I just... can't. I need some time alone," He told her.

"You can have time alone at home, in your room!" Veronica exclaimed, her voice rising.

"No. Roni, please. Just let me go. I'll be back." Lance moved to swim away, but his sister grabbed his wrist.

"Lance, it's too dangerous out there. If you get discovered, or attacked, or—" Veronica paused. She sighed. "I wouldn't know what to do if you were killed because of me." Lance bared his teeth.

"Veronica, let me go!" Lance shouted, attempting to pull away from her grasp.

"Lance please! Just come home!" Lance looked down to his sister with hateful eyes. His pupils turned to slits and markings flashed a cerulean glow. He looked towards the shore, to his home, then back to his sister. Bubbles floated up from his eyes.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, then ripped his hand out of her grasp and swam away with a flick of his tail. Lance squinted his eyes as he swam, bubbles escaping through them.

He realized he had no idea where he was going, and also that the water level was slowly getting shallower. Lance glanced up to see the streams of moonlight that now shone through the water. He remembered only going to the surface once before in his life; a few years ago when he had gotten a little too curious about the boat that went over the village.

Lance's eyes widened with curiosity as he swam towards the surface. At this height the currents were stronger, and the young mer could feel the movement of the waves. He poked his head out of the water, which still covered up to his nose.

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