I turned and shook my head at Ronnie, who was probably coming up with the most absurd excuse as to why his homework wasn't with him (if he actually done it in the first place).

"Where's your homework Miles?"

"Oh, it's in my bag. One second."

I picked up my bag and started rummaging through it to find the sheets of homework that she required. The only problem was that it weren't there.

"Miles? Homework?"


A thought clicked in my head. It was on my desk at home! I must've forgot it when I was rushing to get to school!

"I accidentally left it at home Mrs. Dixon. Can't I bring it in to you for tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately, you can't. Detention."

She slammed the yellow slip onto my desk and walked onto the next person. I laid my head on the desk, faint chuckles were coming from Ronnie in the background. Mrs. Dixon took the homework that resided on Harriet's table. All of a sudden,

"Detention!" Shouted Mrs. Dixon.

"Aww damm!" Moaned Ronnie.

After the recent altercation, the class finally began.  All of (which was not a lot) the homework was placed on Mrs. Dixon's desk in a neat pile, next to her ballpoint pen and glass bottle which had water in it (I think).

"Right", She premiered, "Today this lesson is going to be quite different to the regular ones. Instead of talking about controversial topics, we are going to debate about them. This'll require you to get into groups of four. Two will be against, and the others will be for. The controversial topic will be about the pros and cons of deforestation."

My head turned towards Ronnie, and we both gave each other the nod. I got out of my seat, tucked it in and walked over to Ronnie. On my way there, Harriet stopped me.

"Hey, is there room for one more?" Asked with a charm within her voice.

"Yeah sure." I responded.

Harriet joined my party, and we both made our way to Ronnie who was waiting for us; sitting on his desk.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Bawled Mrs. Dixon.

In came the same guy I saw that day when I went out for a run. What was he doing here? I looked at him with great curiosity.

"Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the way here."

"You're excused. You must be Freddie Wu if I'm not mistaken?"

"Uh, yes ma'am, that's me."

The whole class went silent. Everyone was baffled.

"That's fine. You can join Miles's group, the one at the back. There's only three people."

"Uh, yes ma'am."

Freddie walked over to us and joined the group. The gaze from the rest of the class followed him until he reached the end.

"As for everyone else", Exclaimed Mrs. Dixon at the top of her lungs, "Continue with your debates. You don't want to have nothing when you present it to the whole class do you?"

Immediately, sparks of chatter grew louder and more frequent amongst areas in the classroom, before the whole class was eventually engulfed in it.

"Hey", Commented Freddie, "You're the guy I met when I was lost weren't you?"

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