Chapter 29

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Yea, okay we all know I'm the worst, I'm not even apologizing anymore, it won't get better anyways. :D However, this is the last chapter, there will be an epilogue. But the story is kind of done with this chapter. I hope that anyone actually still reads this :D have fun!

Ryan's POV:

Absentmindedly, I look out of the small plane window. For the last two weeks my thoughts have been nowhere near they're supposed to be.

We already started our Europe tour and are now heading to our next location which is going to be Ljubljana in Slovenia. I've never been there, but I heard it is a really beautiful city, anyways there is really just one thing on my mind right now. Brendon.

Since I know the whole backstory to everything, I feel like I understand why he held it back from me. I'm honestly considering trying with him again. But I can't be sure about this, I know I need to talk to someone about it. Obviously, there is just one person on planet earth I could talk to about this matter.

I let my gaze wander around in the private jet. Apparently, Pete and Patrick are talking about something pretty serious, according to the looks on their faces. Zack is chilling in the back reading some nasty magazine, I guess Playboy. The last person, the one I'm intending to talk to is sitting in another window seat, watching the clouds go by and listening to some sort of music. So, I get up and make my way over to Spencer.

I sit down opposite to him, he recognizes and takes out his headphones. "Hey, what's up, Ryan?" he asks me, smiling. I sigh, I don't even know how to start this. But then I remember it's Spencer I'm talking to, so I really don't have to be careful or anything. "I've been thinking, you know... about him." Spencer's smile slightly deepens, barely noticeable, but of course I do. "Oh" he says, trying to sound casually. "What about him?" he asks, as if he didn't know, phony. "Well, you know, how he came to my house and talked to me about, uhmm, pretty much everything?" I say. He just nods for me to continue. "Uhm, so I know I was really broken after this whole breakup thing and I also know you were the one, that I let my anger out on the most, which I can't apologize enough for, but... whatever. I'm thinking about trying again with him, what do you say?" He looks at me surprised. "Really?" he asks me. "Yes, really. I think I'm actually able to forgive him, after I know the whole story and I also know how good I felt when I was with him. I guess, you know that too." I awkwardly scratch the back of my head. "So, any opinions?" I wait anxiously for an answer from my best friend.

"Yes, actually. But let me try to put this the right way. As you said, I know how badly he hurt you, but yes, I also know how good he was for you. In the end I think the good things outweigh the bad things. Honestly, I never want anything like this happen to you ever again and I seriously don't believe Brendon himself would be capable of hurting you like that again. So, yes I think you should give him another chance, everybody deserves this, you experienced that yourself. This time, he won't fuck up, I'm sure!" he finishes. So, he wants me to try again as well, good to know.

"Well, thanks Spence. I'm glad I have your blessings already, but I need to think about it again I guess... Thank you anyways." I smile at him, get up and sit back down in my seat. We will land in about 30 minutes, I think.

Brendon's POV:

"Hurry up, Bren!" Jon yells at me. "Yeees. Don't worry, I'm sure we will be on time." I yell back through my whole apartment. "You know, we just have this one chance and I don't wanna miss it! Do you have everything?" I check my pockets, yes everything on its rightful place. "Seems like it." I tell Jon, who is now standing next to me. "Great, because the taxi is already waiting outside, so let's go." We run to the taxi downstairs and get settled inside. "Are you excited?" Jon asks me, grinning from one ear to the other. "Not really excited, more like nervous. But now it's too late to back out." I say slightly anxious. "It sure is." Jon says, still smiling. Then the taxi takes off into the night of Los Angeles.

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