Chapter 16

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Wow, am I really updating, can't believe it. I'm getting better. :)

Brendon's POV:

Ryan's coming over in two hours and I still don't know what to cook. I mean I am a pretty decent cook, if I'm actually not too lazy to cook.

I should maybe just settle on something easy, since I don't have too much time to do anything super special.

So after I find my mom's lasagne recipe and discover that I actually have everything I need for this, I prepare the dish.

Once this is done, I glance at my watch, great one hour left.

PING! I hear my phone go off. Probably just Jon asking if I'm nervous and hell yea I am. But when I check my phone I'm met with a surprise.

Ryan: Be there in an hour, can't wait! <3

Oh my god! How cute is he? Seriously, how did I get so lucky? This certainly is a Cinderella story and he is my Prince Charming. Anyways, I have to take a shower and uhh.. pick an outfit. Damn, okay, hurry Brendon!

Ryan's POV:

"Spence, do you really think it was a good idea to send that text? Don't you think it's too clingy?" I ask my best friend nervously, fidgeting with the phone in my hands. "Ry, calm the fuck down! I know, he will love that you did that and no it's not clingy, it's cute." He says, while showing me his pearl-white teeth.

"Well, if you say so." I'm still kind of uncertain, but it's too late anyways. I go to my apartment door to put on my shoes. I turn around to see Spin lazily zapping through the TV channels. "You gonna stay here till I come back?" He does have the spare keys to my apartment and I'm super thankful for that. I can't even count how often I forgot my keys now. "IF you're coming home." He winks and laughs at me. My cheeks turn pink. "Don't be ridiculous, Spencer. It's our second date, I'm not that desperate." I hope so at least. "Well, whatever, see you later, Ry. Have fun!" I can hear his smirk. God, this guy, how did he become my best friend again?

Brendon's POV:

Okay, so he'll be hear in 10 minutes. Ryan Ross is actually coming to my apartment right now! Let me see, if I put all merch I have from him away. So, no posters on the wall, check! Laptop off and in bedroom, check! Phone on mute, so no notifications from my fan accounts, check! And lastly, all the tickets from his concerts, that usually hang above my couch because yea I collect them, gone, check! And just so that you know, I literally went to every single one! But anyways, my apartment looks so nice, I'm kind of proud of myself. Five minutes. I grow more anxious by the time, but I have to keep my cool.

I hear the apartment buzzer go off. Oh, shoot. He's here! I buzz him in without asking, it can just be him.

I open my front door to see him coming out of the door to the staircase. Wow, sporty, I like it!

"Hey" he greets me shyly. "Hey, come in, mi casa es tu casa." I smile at him. He steps through the door and inspects his surroundings. "Wow, it smells amazing in here, what are you cooking?" he sniffs the air. "Oh, that's lasagne. I hope you like that?"

"Lasagne? Yea, I love that!" "Great! I was kind of scared that you might be a vegetarian, but I just took the chance." I laugh awkwardly. "Oh, no I love meat to bits." He smiles. Then we just stand there weirdly. "So, you wanna see my apartment, I mean, it's really not that big, but..." I trail off. "Yea, sure." He smiles sweetly at me. I just can't resist to smile back. "Okay" I take his hand at which he blushes and lead him to my living room. "Wow, it's so tidy." He comments. "Yea, you should have seen it an hour ago." I laugh, he laughs too. "Guess mine isn't better then. Spencer always makes a mess." "Is he often at yours?" "Yap, he likes my apartment better than his own." I love that they are so good friends, reminds me of Jon and me. "Hey, what do you think about him and Jon?" I ask Ryan curiously. "Oh, I love it! Spence hasn't been so excited about someone in years. And, you know, I had a little talk with Jon, when I was waiting for you yesterday. He seems really laid back, which is exactly what Spin needs." He laughs heartily. "I guess Jon's a good one, I really hope it works out." That's great news for Jon. "Me too! So, you wanna eat some real food?" I glance at him, smirking lightly. "Sounds great:" he says pleased.

Okay, I know that was awkward, but on purpose! :D Also sorry for it being so short, but next one is gonna be good as a compensation.

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