Chapter 1

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So, this is my first fanfiction, please be gentle with me.  Also, English is not my native language, please excuse the bad grammar. But I really liked the idea of it and I hope you enjoy, I guess? :)

Brendon's POV:

Damn, I'm too late for work again. Why does this always happen to me, it seems like my obsession with him takes over my life. 

But how couldn't it? I mean he is Ryan Ross, one of the most famous singers of this century and not to mention the hottest man alive. Besides, he is just a very decent human being. I try to tell me that at least. Well, it's not like there are a lot of rumours about him being a fuckboy or something like his bandmate Pete. So, he must be a relationship guy. Oh, why does he seem so perfect? His hair, his lips, his hips, his fingers, oh my god his fingers! They are so long, I swear to god I've never seen fingers like his, I just wanna hold them in my own and never let go and...

Oh shit! I have to be at the restaurant in ten minutes, I'll never make it, if I don't stop drooling over that perfect man.

Every day I pass his apartment complex, but I've never seen him come out, I guess he has more than just one apartment. He might be more often in his apartment in Vegas, where he comes from. I mean, it does make sense. But whatever...

Nothing in sight of him today again. Why am I even trying? It's kind of ridiculous, but I just can't stop to at least hope. It really is pathetic.

I arrive at the restaurant just two minutes too late, lucky me, my boss is behind the counter. "Brendon?", "Yes, Mr. Hurley?" I answer. "Well, I was just wondering how you always manage to come too late to work when you're not even living three blocks away?" Oh, I really regret letting him know where I live, that dumb Christmas party and its punch! "Err..." Well, maybe I would be on time, if I didn't always make a two blocks detour to Ryan's apartment complex, but seriously I can't tell my boss that.

"Well, it's fine for now, but next time I won't be so nice, Mr. Urie, keep that in mind!" Uhhh... he is so annoying. "Yes, sir, thank you." At least he let me go with a black eye, actually I expected more. Mr. Hurley leaves to his office and Jon comes out of the back, where he obviously just put his apron on, we just opened the restaurant anyways, no one's in here yet. I don't know why Mr. Hurley makes such a fuss out of nothing, I mean it was two minutes and we don't even have guests yet.

"Ross again why you're late?" Jon asks, standing in front of me, smirking. I sigh. "You know me too well, right?" Jon's my best friend, more like my only friend and he knows everything about my abnormal obsession. Sometimes I really regret telling him everything, because most of the time he has this pitiful expression on his face. Like he knows how damn pathetic I am. Oh well, but he is my best friend and still loves me nonetheless and always supports me.

Jon chuckles. "Yea, you're right, I do know you too well. Did you at least have luck this time?", "What do you think?" I whisper sadly. Jon just looks at me sympathetically and grins "One day, Brendon, one day." I smile at him "Yea, imagine knowing him!" "But you never know until you're there." And with that said the first costumers of the day enter the restaurant and Jon shows them their seats.

"This is going to be a long day" I sigh to myself.

Btw, does someone get the reference in the title? I was so proud of it. :D

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