Chapter 10

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Ryan's POV:

The guys and I are totally into writing our new album right now, I don't even hear my phone dinging. "Ry, your phone." Patrick tells me. First thing I think of is that it's for sure my mom, since it's Friday, to tell me not to get too wasted. Really it happened one time that I accidentally called her while sitting drunk on a toilet. But since then she sends me the same text every single Friday, just to piss me off. Best mom in the world, right? Actually, our relationship developed for the better since he kicked my birthgiver out. I don't even want to call that person Dad anymore. Anyhow I'm glad about that.

So, when my mind absently wanders back to a certain pair of chocolate brown eyes, I jump off the ground immediately and throw the paper I was currently writing on carelessly to the side. I run to my bag and fiddle my phone out of it.

Unknown number:

Hey Ryan, it's Brendon from the restaurant. What's up? 😊

"Oh my god." I stare at my phone screen and read the message over and over again. "It happened, guys. It finally happened!" I turn around and am pretty sure my face shines as bright as the full moon in a cloud free sky.

"What the hell are you talking about Ryan? Are you gone mental? Isn't it just your usual message from momma?" Pete asks, the confusion on his face matching the one on Patrick's. Okay, I need to say it's loooong ago that I had such a burst like this. Usually, I don't show any emotions, but I already feel too infatuated with Brendon, that I have to smile just whilst thinking of him. I'm actually wondering, if something is wrong with me.

"Haven't I told you, Ry? I knew he was gonna come along at some point, nobody can resist a Ryan Ross." Spencer interrupts my train of thought and looks at me with a proud dad smile.

"Guys? Someone care to elaborate?" Patrick asks politely. "Oh, it's really nothing important. Just a guy I like and he finally texted me after three days." "There are guys that wait three days to text YOU?" Patrick questions confusedly. "There is a guy that you're willing to wait three days for? If he didn't answer within the first hour, I would find someone else." Pete says with a mixture of disgust and amusement. I roll my eyes at him, like I said sometimes he is a good guy.

"Pete, you know how Ryan is and not everybody is like you. There are people who are looking for that ultra kind of love." Patrick states with a small glare towards Pete. Pete just looks at the ground like an ashamed puppy that just pooped inside the house. See, I don't know why, but Tricks opinion is the only one Pete gives a shit about.

I send Patrick an appreciative smile as he turns around to look back at me and he just returns it in his good, old Patrick Stump manner.

My attention finally goes back to my phone and I smile to myself until I realize that I have no idea how to answer. Immediately my eyes fly to Spencer who is already looking at me, like he fucking knows, I'm too retarded to reply on my own. Especially since he has this knowing smirk playing around his lips. I shake my head, but smile nonetheless.

"Let's call it a day, shall we, guys?" Spence says, more to Pete and Patrick than to me. "We actually achieved a lot today." He's right. We recorded two new songs and wrote a chorus and a couple of verses for a new one. So, we really did good today. Trick and Pete nod in agreement and we all pack our stuff to leave the studio.

Spin and I say goodbye and then head in the direction of my apartment.

"So, isn't there anything you want to ask me?" He breaks the comfortable silence, a playful grin on his lips. I hate this guy so much.

I sigh to myself. "Well, yea, can you help me?" "With what?" Spencer asks innocently, bating his eyelashes, "You know what I'm talking about, come on, Spence, don't make me beg!" "Begging sounds good to me." He says cockily, that asshole. I look at him incredulously, but still give in, I really need his advice. I cannot risk my chance with Brendon. "Fine," I grit my teeth. "Spencer James Smith, I beg you, god of good advice, can you please help me answer Brendon for your intellect is splendid, grandmaster." I slap my hands together in an overly dramatic gesture and beg like I never begged before. Spencer can't contain himself any longer and breaks into laughter. I roll my eyes at him and mutter under my breath "I hope Brendon is worth this." Spencer laughs even more, thanks goodness we're in a deserted area. "I hope so too." Spencer brings out through his giggles. I scoff at him and his laughter slowly dies down. "Man, I should have recorded this." "Yea, you should have, cause you're never going to see that again. So, will you help me now or not?" I slightly pout. "Of course, I will, Ry. I just needed to tease you a bit." "Wow, thanks Spence." Uhhh.. I really do hate him. "Come on, Ryan. Let's go to your place, I'm hungry." He smiles sheepishly. "And then we can do your Brendon thingy." Okay, maybe I don't hate him. Sometimes. 

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