Bonding with Loki

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I'm on a roll guys sleep is for the weak.

Peter was never really the type to talk about him being trans. He was trans that's pretty much all there was to talk about.

He hated the questions about how he was feeling or how long he was on T. All those conversations reminded him was that he was different.

So he never talked about it. Wade never brought it up and for that he was grateful.

But something about Loki made him want to ask questions and talk about things he never wanted to.

So maybe that was why he was sitting in the living room nervously trying to come up with a conversation starter.

Loki didn't seem the type to talk so what would he even say. How could he ask without seeming disrespectful. Would he even want to talk about it I mean-

"Peter" Loki spoke

Oh shit.

"You know I can read your mind" He informed with that condescending British accent.

Double shit.


Well that's just great.

"You know I don't mind you asking your questions. I'd be happy to answer.

"O-Ok Umm do gender fluid people get dysphoria like how does that work. And how do you know what gender you are do you just know and how-"

"Peter I can only answer one question at a time."

Peter blushed.

"To tell you the truth I can change my shape at will so I don't experience dysphoria. And when I wake up I know my gender for the day. For me it's not a choice. I wake up one morning and I'm a boy and cant just choose to be a girl do you understand what I'm saying?"

Peter nodded.

"Now why did you want to know? Can't you kids easily use the internet these days?"

"Well yeah I guess but I'd rather get it from a reliable source. Plus there's a lot of fakers out there. You never know what's true on the internet"

"Very true."

It was silent again great. Quick Peter day something!

"Soo How did you come out if you don't mind me asking"

Really Peter that's what you came up with.

"It's alright Peter. I was very confused as a child I actually didn't realize what it was called until I tried to take over earth. I was very bitter that the world had seemingly given me such a curse. That does not excuse my wrongdoings though. I was sent back to Asgard with Thor and I told my mother what I felt and she wasn't angry. She calmly took my to Odin and I told him too. He said had I just come to him in the first place none of this would have happened and then my mother taught me shape shifting magic. I told Thor by just blurting it out and he was ok with it as well. I suppose looking back I did act kinda of foolish"

"I could never be as brave as you"Peter looks down in shame

"Why do you say that?"

"I never told anyone, I was too afraid. Aunt May found out when she caught me binding unsafe. Wade found out when I got hurt on a patrol and he had to help me out. Then I had to tell pop when it was 'shark week' and I had to tell Natasha and dad and everyone else. I'm not brave enough"

"What about Bruce?"

Peter looked up "what do you mean?"

"You told him"

"That's because I was feeling the need to self harm"

"But you still told him"

Peter smiled "I guess your right.Thanks" I think I like talking to Loki

Loki stood "It's alright if you want to talk to me in the future I don't mind"

Damn that mind reader.

Timeskip cause fuck plot Am I Right.(I just tried to abbreviate am I right and it came out as air. I feel stupid)

Wade led an impatient Peter down the sidewalk.

"Where are you taking me we've been walking for five minutes!" Peter groaned.

"You'll see"

They finally reached a cozy looking building and Wade stopped.

"Wade What is-"

"Peter!" Kids cried as they stepped through the door.

"G-Guys" Peter looked at Wade and teared up. "Guys!" The children ran into his arms.

"Alex! Marie! Little Amelia oh my god I missed you guys so much! How are all of you I want to know everything. And I want to know about who's taking care of you. Do you guys get fed enough. Do they treat you ok?"

Marie laughed and started crying.

"Hey what's wrong?" Peter asked pulling her close.

"I missed you big brother!"

"Yeah" the other kids cried.

"I'm here now" Peter would never admit it but he let a few tears loose. "I'm going to visit you guys everyday after school from now on. Ok?"

The children cheered and laughed.
Peter played with the kids all afternoon, telling stories, dancing.
Peter would be lying if he said it wasn't one of the best nights of his life.

Like all thing though, Peter has to say goodbye and go home. Not without promising to come back of course.

"Thank you soo much Wade. I had no idea if I'd ever see them again."

"I'm glad you had fun Peter. That's all that matters to me"

Peter laughed. "Your so sweet"

"I know right."

Whoooo yeah ok I'm done for the night.

Trans Peter Parker (bxb)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat