Meet everyone & sad Wade

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The cover of this book was made by @chase2452 on tumblr

Triggers about suicide
Also I know I didn't mention it before but I'm making Wade 19

Peter woke up to the sound of yelling downstairs. He shuffled out of bed and struggled into a new binder Wade had bought for him days prior. He shoved on a shirt and some shorts and headed downstairs to find the source of the racket.

"You cheated!" He heard someone should as He walked into the main living room.

"I did not," said a tall lanky man with long black hair. "Using magic is not cheating, it's part of my being, I wouldn't call that cheating"

The blond man, who started yelling in the first place, began to shout again but stopped once he saw Peter.

"Who are you?" He asked suspiciously. 

"O-Oh I'm P-Peter." Peter stuttered out pathetically.

"Oooooh," the blond guy said in realization. "Yoooouuurrreeee Peter! I'm Clint and that cheater over there is Loki"

"Hi" Peter waves shyly, still feeling overwhelmed about last night. After a minute of uncomfortable silence, Peter shuffled over to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal.

5 minutes later a Redhead tiredly strolled into the kitchen. She looked at Peter but shrugged it off and poured herself a cup of coffee.
"Natasha!" Clint called, excitedly bouncing in the kitchen "Meet Peter! Tony and Steve's new lovechild!"

Lovechild? Peter blanched. Natasha waved and then left the room. "She's just tired" Clint assured Peter, who wasn't even concerned. "She'll come around."

Eventually, everyone settled down at the table and began to eat breakfast. Peter was also sitting at the table when he got a call from Wade.

"Peter?" He heard Wade whimper.
"Wade?" He mumbled tiredly, rubbing his eye.
"What's up?"

"I'm sorry" those two words made Peter freeze. He hated to remember why his boyfriend said those words last time.

"The voices. Hic, They were just so loud. And the gun was just sitting on the table. Sob. I'm so sorry. It just hurt so bad"

Peter held his hand to his mouth and had caught the attention of the rest of the table. "God Wade. Are you ok? Are you in a safe place right now?" He whispered that last part not remembering half the team had super hearing.

"Yeah. Sob There's so much blood Peter" Wade sobbed. 

"Shit." Peter cursed standing from the table. "I gotta go," he told his new dads "I'll be back soon."

"I'm coming baby just hold on.

Peter coaxed into the phone. He didn't bother getting dressed. He just ran barefoot down the street in a t-shirt and shorts till he reached Wade's house.

He burst into Wade's apartment and almost threw up at the amount of blood. Wade was sitting in the center of the blood splatter, gun at his side, sobbing uncontrollably into his knees.

"Oh Wade," Peter said, gently taking Wade in his arms. He rocked Wade in his arms and lulled him to sleep.

After Wade was asleep, he spent hours scrubbing the floors and walls until they were clear of blood. When he finished he lay with Wade until he woke up.

"I love you" Wade mumbled into Peters chest. "I love you too" Peter replied "You wanna stay with me for a couple of days?" 

Wade nodded and Peter flipped open his phone. After a few dials he heard Steve pick up.

"Peter?!" He cried into the phone, "Where are you?! It's been hours?!" 

Peter sighed, "I'm sorry, my boyfriend had a panic attack can he stay over for a few days?"

"Oh honey of course he can" 

"Thanks, we'll be home shortly. And one more thing" Peter began to whisper so Wade couldn't hear him. "Wades really self-conscious about his skin, please don't upset him."

"It's okay I'll take care to mind my words and Tony's" 

"I love you," Peter said instinctively. 

"I love you too" Steve sounded like he was going to cry. 

Peter ended the call and stood up from the bed.

"Come on baby." Peter coaxed "let's get you packed" 

Peter picked out a large hoodie and gently guided Wade into it. He then grabbed a few more clothes and stuffed them into a bag. 

"C'mon, lets go" he grabbed Wade's hand.

Wade nodded his head. "I'm sorry to put you through this. I'm so sorry you have to put up with me-"
"Wade stop" Peter cupped Wade's face. "I would go through heaven and hell for you. And don't you think for a second that your an inconvenience to me. I. love. you. Okay"

Some stray tears fell down Wade's face and Peter wiped them away with his thumb. "Thanks Peter" Wade whispered, gripping Peters hand tight. "Anything for you" Peter replied. 

"Alright" Wade laughed "let's go meet the fam"

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