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Sorry my life's a mess. I'm kinda struggling to find somewhere to live and moneys a little tight. I really don't want to abandon this so I'm gonna try really hard to keep updating all my books.

Loki was in the living room with Peter and Wade.

Loki was nonbinary today and was wearing their wristband that peter got them to show what gender they were.

Loki loved it to be honest.

They were all talking, having a nice conversation when wade had to ruin it with a question.

"So why does flash hate you so much?" Wade asked petting Peter's hair softly.

"It's a long story" Peter sighed leaning into the touch "Are you sure you want to hear it?"

Wade nodded and Loki did too. They genuinely wanted to know.

"Well it actually all started out in eighth grade. I was actually dating flash. Yes close your mouth wade.

Anyways I knew I was a boy at the time and I wanted to tell him. At the time he was the only person I felt that I could trust.

So I sat him down one day and told him. He immediately freaked out and said the whole time we were dating I was trying to 'turn him gay' as he put it.

Then he started going on about how I'd never be a real b-boy and t-that I was just doing it for

Peter had to stop and cry a little.
Wade hugged him close and Loki just sighed sadly.

Loki hates to see peter sad. Peter was their good friend.

Peter wiped his tears and continued.

"I ran home clearly upset and when I went to school the next day everyone was looking at me weird. I later found out that flash told everyone and that when the bullying started."

"Can I vote to kill him now" Wade said seriously

"If you did that I'm pretty sure you would go to jail and then you wouldn't see me as often" peter reasoned, not wanted to be the reason that wade killed anyone.

Wade sighed "that's true I would miss you. I still want to beat his ass"

Loki has to silently agree. They wanted to hurt that boy so bad.

"It's not like he does it that much anymore since you started coming to school with me"

Wade nodded but still pouted.

"Do you think that his sudden reaction to you might mean that he was internally conflicted about his own sexuality problems" Loki asked mainly to themselves.

Peter was shocked "I never thought about like that. I think It's possible. I never thought about it like that"

Loki leaned back in their chair "Well take it from someone who was closeted for hundreds of years I know a closet case when I see one"

Peter laughed but genuinely felt bad for Flash.

"I wonder if he had just talked to me that day, our lives would be so much more different. We might still be dating"

"Nuh uh" Wade protested pulling Peter close. "Don't think about it your mine"

Peter giggled "of course I am"

"Who want to watch a movie" Loki asked "all this depressing talk has me, well, depressed"

"Sound good. What should we watch?"

Loki skimmed through movies on Netflix

"How about stranger things? It's not a movie but..."

"Sounds good!" Peter chirped.

Loki clicked on it and they turned the lights off.

While watching Peter could help but let his mind wander to flash.

He hoped flash would come to terms with his sexuality eventually.

But for now peter was just glad he had so many supportive family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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