Spidey is Back!

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It's been a while guys gals and non-binary pals

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It's been a while guys gals and non-binary pals. I'm really trying to work on these more. I have too many books.


Peter's Pov

I shrugged on my suit and groaned.

"I'll be fine dad! And pops you can put the bubble wrap away"

"I know" pops said "I just worry!"

"Dad made me a new suit! I couldn't be anymore protected plus Wade will have my back"

I ignored the rest of my dad's speech and jumped off the tower.

I missed this!
"Spideys back baby!"

I swung for awhile, stopping a few criminals here and there.

(I'm not good at fight scenes. Like at all)

"Peter" a voice called from inside my suit??!!

"Whoah!!" I cried nearly missing a building. I touched down on a rooftop.

"Who are you?"

"I am your artificial intelligence system. I am programmed to help you"

"You sound like a Karen. Can I call you Karen?!"

"I will be whatever you want me to be Peter"



Peter swung around the city a bit more. Stopping one mugging and mostly talking with his new friend.

About an hour later he saw wade, or rather Deadpool, and shouted his name, waving.

Wade waved at him from a few buildings over. Peter swung over to meet his boyfriend.
"Hey Peter Hey Karen!"

"How did you?- never mind. What are you doing tonight?"

Wade pulled peter close and hugged him. "I'm gonna go annoy daredevil you wanna come with me?!"

Peter couldn't say no. Wade looked too excited, even behind the mask.

"Sure I'll tag along"

Wade literally jumped for joy and picked peter up bridal style.

He tapped on his belt and the teleported.

When they landed peter jumped off wade and fell to his knees gagging.

"Don't just do that Wade! I almost threw up"

"Ops sorry" Wade said sheepishly.

"Deadpool" a voice growled. Peter jumped while Wade smiled.

"Heyyyyy DD I missed ya!"

Daredevil groaned in annoyance at Deadpool

"I'm busy" He then turned to peter and said, "don't let him pull you into his shenanigans miss"

Peter flinched. How could he tell?!

Wade calmly said, "I'm gonna give you a pass cause your blind DD but my boyfriend here is
spider-MAN "

"O-Oh Im Sorry, I didn't mean to assume"

Peter had to admit, at least daredevil apologized.

"I-It's Ok" he whispered softly. He just wanted to go home.

Wade sensed peters discomfort "whelp we gotta go now so"

Daredevil nodded awkwardly and turned to leave.

"W-Wait!" Peter called and daredevil turned around "I just wanted to ask. H-How could you tell? T-That I was a gir- well trans?"

Daredevil sighed. "I'm blind and I have vary strong hearing."
He had to stop and figure out how to phrase it without being offensive.

"Male bodies and female bodies breath differently and their hearts beat differently. I assumed and I shouldn't have. There was nothing you did wrong"

Peter felt a little better at that. "Thanks"

Daredevil nodded and said "I'll see you around Spider-Man" before jumping off the roof to another and running away.

Peter sighed in relief. "That was stressful.

"Sorry" Wade supplied "I forgot that he was blind honestly"

Peter gave wade a hug

"It's ok" he muffled into Wade's shoulder.

"Do you want to go home?" Wade asked.

"Yeah, I just want to cuddle with you and watch a movie"

Wade grinned. "Your so adorable!"

Peter laughed and held on tight and wade transported them back to the tower.

Trans Peter Parker (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now