-"Whatever It Takes."; Chapter 23.

Start from the beginning

"Lacey Mae. I cannot tell you just how much I screwed up. It's all my fault. You have every right not to take me back. Lacey, I messed up so much."

I looked up at him and wiped the tears slowly leaking from his eyes.

"Why'd you do it, Harry?" I took a breath long enough to say.

"I don't know. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did it, I just know I'm the worst person ever, and I can't believe I let a perfect girl like you slip right thought my hands. I messed up so badly. I understand if you're never gonna take me back." He stuttered, his hands not leaving my cheeks, his cheeks covered with tears.

I leaned my head against his chest, so his chin was on the top of my head, and I cried.

I cried harder and harder every time his soothing hand brushed against my back.

"Ca-can I just as-ask you one thin-ng?" I asked, barely able to speak.

"Of course hun." He replied, his tears slowly beginning to fall from his gorgeous green eyes.

"Am.. am I not goo-od enough for y-you?" I stuttered.

His arms wrapped around my body, as he pulled me onto his lap, both of us bawling our eyes out. I kept my head nuzzled in Harry's chest, and his forehead was rested against my head as his tears soaked my hair.

"I'm so dumb. Seeing you like this breaks my heart. Lacey, I am so sorry. I can't say it enough. I screwed up so badly, and quiet honestly, I hate myself right now.

"Lacey, you're too good for me. I'm the one that's not good enough for you. Words cannot explain how sorry I am. I'm so stupid!" He exclaimed, anger towards himself clearly evident. "I don't even know what I was thin-"

Before I could stop myself, I closed the space in between me and Harry's lips. I missed the feel of his soft, warm lips on mine. I moved my arms from around his waist, to the back of his neck. His arms stayed around my back, as he pulled me in closer.

A fresh, new tear fell from his closed eye, and landed on the tip of my nose.

I pulled away, and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Please, don't ever hurt me again." I begged.

"Never again. Forgive me?" He asked, puppy dog eyes clearly visible.

I lightly pecked his lips. "I forgive you." I smiled.


"Here, wear this." Harry smiled cheekily at me, and handed me a gorgeous light purple knee-length dress.

"Why am I wearing this?" I asked, taking the dress from him, and eyeing it carefully.

"Wear it? For me?"

I eyed it once more. "Alright. I'll wear it. Just for you. But you're up to something Harold." I said, giggling.

I stood up, Harry helping steady myself on my crutches. I took the dress from him, and went into the bathroom.

I slid off my sweats, and my black V-neck. I steadied myself against the wall, while I pulled my dress on.

"Harry!!" I called out, holding my dress up.

"Yes?" He replied, outside the door.

"Help me?" I politely asked.

The door slowly opened, and he walked it, his stage clothes on now.

"Zipper?" I smiled, turning my back towards him.

After my dress was securely on, I crutched myself towards the mirror. I stood there in awe, as I stared at the gorgeous dress, which was occupied by my body.

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