-"My Shadow Days Are Over."; Chapter 20.

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"Excuse us." I said, politely, as I stood up off the couch, and grabbed my crutches. After I steadied myself, I reached out my hand towards Harry.

He looked at me questioningly, but still interlocked his finger through mine, and lifted himself off the couch.

I lead him into the bedroom, and closed the door. I spun around so that I was facing him. My fingers slowly crawled up towards Harry's open hand, so now I was holding both of his hands.

"What are you insecure about?" I asked, my voice trembling. Harry just looked down at our interlocked hands.

I hated seeing him so vulnerable.

"Well, I've never really told anyone this. But, I'm just insecure about everything about me." He stuttered in between a few words. Then he looked from our hands to our eyes.

"Like what?" I asked, squeezing his hands a bit tighter.

"My hair, is just a mess. My eyes, are boring and dull. My nose is oddly shaped. I hate my mouth. My teeth are too big for my mouth. I stand at such an awkward height. I have the curviest body out of all the boys. I hate everything about myself." He hesitantly answered.

I slowly unraveled my hands from his, and I lightly rested them on his cheek. "Your hair, is adorable and extremely soft. Your eyes, are stunning, and so easy to get lost in. Your nose is unlike anybody else's. Your mouth is so perfectly shaped, and extremely sexy when you smile, and the corners curve up." This made him slightly smile, as a tear streamed down his cheek, and softly landed on my hand. "Your teeth are perfectly straight, and adorable when you shed a little smile. Your height is perfect, so that when I hug you, I can hear your heart beat in your chest. Your curves make it easy to rest my arms on, when I get tired of putting them on your shoulders. But most of all, everything about you makes me the happiest girl in the world. I would not change one thing about you, even if I had the chance to. Because honestly, I think you're one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life. Everything about you, makes me love you; love you more than words could ever even begin to explain."

I brought my hands up, to wipe the fresh tears now falling freely out of his eyes.

"You're so damn perfect." He commented, before he placed his large, soft, perfect hands on my cheek, and brought his soft lips to mine. I removed my hands from his cheeks, and placed them on his chest, as he pulled me in closer.

After our kiss got a bit more heated, our lips split as I looked up to his teary, gorgeous, green eyes.

"I love you Lacey. Thank you. That little rant you gave me was the biggest confidence booster I've ever had in my life." He announced, as he pulled me into a tight hug. I felt fresh, warm tears land on my shoulder, as he nuzzled his face into my neck. I wrapped my arms, under his, and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"You're welcome Harry." I sweetly replied. "If you don't mind me asking, could you tell me why you're so insecure?"

"Well, ever since my last girlfriend cheated on me, I always wondered what I did wrong. I thought I was a good boyfriend, but I became insecure. I wondered what the guy she cheated on me with, had that I didn't have. Then, I thought I wasn't good enough for her."

"Oh, Harry. I'm sorry babe. Just know, that she was the one that wasn't good enough for you. You're the most amazing boyfriend anyone could have. And I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have the boyfriend."

Then his lips timbered onto mine, one last time.


Harry sat back down, and I sat next to his, as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

Everyone was looking at us, probably because we were both sniffling, and had red eyes, from both crying.

Paeton looked at me, questioningly.

"I'll explain later." I mouthed, and she nodded her head.


"I say we go get some ice cream." Rose stated.

We all agreed, and hopped in the car. We decided to take two different cars. So, i got in the car with Harry, and Niall and Louis decided to come with us. Harry drove, and I sat in the front seat, while the other 2 sat in the back. We were following Liam, who was driving, to the store.

I turned the radio channel, when Harry removed my hand from the tuning button. "Leave it, please, this is my favorite song."

Hard times help me see

I'm a good man

With a good heart

Had a tough time

Got a rough start

And I finally learned to let it go

Now I'm right here

And I'm right now

And I'm hoping

Knowing somehow

That my shadow days are over

My shadow days are over now

After Shadow Days by John Mayer got over, Harry looked to me and smiled. I knew that he was in a better place now, then when he was with his ex-girlfriend. And it's good to know that with me, he is no longer worrying about her. He finally let it go.

I smiled back at him, and grabbed his hand, which was rested on the center console.


*A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STILL STICKING WITH ME, AND READING! I'm so sorry, it's been forever since I updated! I started volleyball practice, and I've either been really busy, or extremely tired-_- Anyways! Sorry, this chapter probably sucks, I'm starting to run out of ideas. Tweet me and idea for this story, at @Priselac22, and if I like it, I'll dedicate a chapter to you, or something special like that;D

I love you all!*

Beautiful Disaster (Harry Styles Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora