-Amazing Boyfriend, Harry Edward Styles; Chapter 1.

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*AN: Hey guys(: Well, this is my first story, so I hope you like it! Comment if you like it?(: Follow me on Twitter?(: @priselac22. Hope you enjoy lovlies! This is a complete fiction story, and none of this actually happened.*

"Lacey! Lacey! Quick! Wake up, dad's home again." My little sister Elena warned.

I quickly stretched and shot out of bed. I ran downstairs to make sure I did all my chores before dad woke up. The dishes were clean, the living room vacuumed, and the shelves dusted. I walked over to Elena.

"When did he get home?" I asked warily.

"Last night. I heard him yelling at mom again. Why does he does he have to be here?" Tears lined her eyes.

"I don't know love. I don't know. Just make sure your chores are-"


Elena nervously looked at me, as she headed upstairs. I stood in the living room listening to the family war upstairs.

Elena walked back downstairs, crying, holding her cheek, as she came and embraced me. I held her and patted circles on her back. "I love you baby girl.'

"I love you too sissy."


Hello. My name is Lacey. I'm a 16-year old, insecure big sister. I stand at a height of 5' feet, 7 inches. My life revolves around music. I'm constantly in my own little world, listening to my favorite band. One Direction. My favorite sport? Soccer. My best friends mean the world to me; Paeton Grace & Fahbia Rose. Those girls are my sisters. Paeton Grace. 16 years old, and stands at a height of about 5' 2". Fell from Heaven on March 8. Styles her long, blonde perfect hair daily, and applies make-up on her beautiful golden eyes. Fahbia Rose has been beautiful since the moment she was born on September 18, being the same age of 16. She has a 5' 5" posture, and dark brown hair with mysterious brown eyes . I couldn't have asked for better friends. My adorable little sister is Elena Jewel. She rises at a height of 5' 1". Being 3 years younger than me, at an age of 13, we get along well. She has beautiful long light brown hair, with gorgeous blue eyes.

The only reason my sister and I get along so well, is because of our parents. My mom left Elena and I with our dad, right after Elena was born, and I was 2. On the other hand, my dad is a complete drunk. He's abusive and could care less about Elena and I. He works in the mines, so he's gone about 3 weeks every month. The other week he's home is complete hell.

This is my story about how I met my amazing boyfriend; Harry Edward Styles, and how he helped me get through my rough patches in life.

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