Wild enough for you?
Mm mm mm mm wild enough for you

Halfway through the song I started singing and snapping my fingers to the beat. Singing has been one of the things that I have been good at.

It always helps me bring out emotions that I can't explain through words. I learned how to play the piano when I was three then when I was six I learned to play the guitar.

When the music stopped I look at Jake who stared at me.

"What?" I ask as continue to walk.

"Your voice hasn't change" he said softly.

I stop walking. I look down at Cubs who barked and waggles his tail.

"J..just keep your eyes on the road" I say as I pause my playlist. We kept walking beside each other. We were both silent, neither of us wanting to break the silence.

It took me ten minutes to realize that-

"Are you following me?" I ask. I stop walking to face him.

"No I'm not", he says stopping as well.

"Really?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Nope", He says popping the 'p'. He looks at me with a smirk on his lips "unless you want me to?"

I roll my eyes and face front. "You know what? do want you want", I say continuing to walk back home.

"It is getting dark", He says catching up with me, still riding on his motorcycle.


"Ride with me", he says smoothly.

"Yeah...no" I tell him with zero interest in my voice.

"Come on Vix-" he clears his throat realizing his choice of name. " -Evie. Cubs' getting sleepy already" he saying pointing at the dog in my arms.

Serves him right for betraying me earlier. Wait. He should be suffering not taking a nap. But he looks so cute. I'll let it slide for now.

"So? I'm the one who is walking, not him" I say, lifting the sleeping dog in my arms a bit.

"Aren't you getting tired of walking?"

"Aren't you getting tired of talking?"

"Nope" he says, shaking his head.

"Then neither am I." An awkward silence came after that.

"So I heard you became the cheer captain", he says changing the subject, sounding a bit shock.

"What? You thought I couldn't handle a little pomp pomps and skirt?" I say half ammused.

"No.... I'm sure you can handle that infact you would look hot wearing a skirt and shaking pomp pomps but smiling all time and your aggressive personality....yeahh not so much", he says with amusement.

I chuckle at his response. Its true that I have an aggressive personality even when I was a kid.

Infact the first time I meet Austin I destroyed his toy robot because he wouldn't let me play with him.

"Well your not wrong about that."

"I figured you would have joined the football team or something." He said trying amuse me.

"I tried but James banned me from the team cause he hated being beaten by his younger sister"

"That sounds like him" he says before chuckling.

"Plus my aggressive side helps me cheer for the football team"

"Yeah...I can clearly see you threating the entire team of the consequences of loosing", he says with amusement.

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