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Frisk wakes from her long sleep, feeling her comfortable bed sheets between her fingers. Only... These weren't her bed sheets. Sitting up, she looks around, or at least tries to. It's darker than usual, she thinks, but she can see the shapes of... Flowers? Frisk leans down, to smell them, to touch them. 

Yes, she thinks, flowers, of course. They must have broken my fall. Only... where did I fall? 

And now, the dreaded question: 

Where am I? 

 Trying to stand, Frisk cries out in pain and collapses back to the ground. I wish I could have helped her that day. She seemed so... alone. Solitude gets to everyone eventually. 

Frisk realizes that, no, the flowers didn't break her fall. It seemed as if her ankle was broken, which is lucky. It could have been a whole lot worse. Cautiously, she stands again. Limping to the wall and whimpering with every step, she places a hand on the stone of the cavern. She traces it along as she walks (or, rather, tries to), and eventually makes it to the carved purple doorway, placing a hand on the chiseled pillar in front of her. 

I think only one thing kept her going. 


The child is filled with it.

Of course, when she steps through the doorway, that's where I come in. 

                                                                                  *    *    *

Here she comes.

I suppose I shouldn't have scared her like that, especially someone who can't see. But I did anyway. Because sometimes it's funny.

Maybe it's just me, maybe because I don't have a soul.

Maybe because I don't have emotions. I've been empty for so long... Maybe it's because I'm alone.

She emerges from the darkness, now holding a stick in her free hand. She uses the stick to guide her as she lifts her hand from the wall. I take my chance, and begin to speak.

"Howdy!" Frisk jerks backward, startled. But she walks forward, toward my little patch of grass.

"H-hello? Is somebody there?" She stutters. A hand out in front of her, she passes into the light of the sun that shines down.

"I'm Flowey! Flowey... the Flower!" She follows the sound of my voice. "Golly, you're new to the Underground, aren't'cha? Someone ought to teach you how things work around here." I draw out her soul..

Bleep bleep... The darkness surrounds us, the green grid lines shooting forever in every direction.

"I guess little old me will have to do. See that little red heart?" No... No, of course she can't see it. "Well, that's your SOUL. The very culmination of your being! Hee hee!"

Frisk squints, trying to see at least the shape of her soul. This is where I maybe regret things.

"I suppose someone has to teach you the way thinks work down here. As you fight more monsters, you gain LOVE!" I giggle to myself, somewhat manically. "Don't you want some love?" I sure hope the smiley trashbag doesn't give away the acronym. LOVE, of course, stands for Level of Violence. Maybe I can get this kid to murder everyone finally. Six tries already.

You know what they say... Seventh time's the charm.

"Anyway, LOVE is shared through... Little white..." I wink. "Friendliness Pellets!"

Frisk looks confused, cautious, nervous, oblivious... I wonder if that's what comes with being blind. Having your emotions splayed obviously across your face like that. It would make me feel so... vulnerable.

"Go on then! Get as many as you can!" I summon a circle of my 'friendliness pellets'.

She touches one, and again does that pathetic whimper.

"Y O U I D I O T." My voice comes out differently, that weird demonic rasp. "IN ThIS WoRLd, It'S KiLl oR be KIlLeD!" But I think our little game ends here. I'm quite sick of teasing and toying with her.

"DIE." More bullets appear and surround her soul. Closer... and closer... Maybe I delayed it so I wouldn't actually kill her. Maybe I felt something without actually... feeling? Does that make sense?

Heh. I guess not.

And then came the ball of bright white fire, blasting me out of the room.

Gosh diddily darn, Mother. I wouldn't have thought you'd do that to your own son. I guess everyone can turn to cruelty, even the kindest of us all. I can't understand... being nice gets you nowhere.

I pop back into the ground but watch them from afar.

"Hello, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. Come. I will guide you." Mother takes Frisk's hand and leads her to the doorway of the Ruins. I suppose it's for the best that I didn't kill her. But there's still someone I want to kill, and I'll never get past him without her help. Though, she won't help me willingly. She won't want to kill anyone, this one. Again. I'm getting... sick, sick of THIS. All this NICENESS. All this... FRIENDLINESS. But with the souls, good old Number One Dad, has done all the work for me. All I need... is for him to be DEAD.

That won't be to hard, will it? Hee hee hee. Of course not. It's not regicide, either.

Because he's no King. He never will be.

He couldn't make me feel again. Neither could she. It's their fault. It's... her fault.

They did this to me. THEY made me like this. THEY deserve to pay.

And this girl. This blind, helpless poor girl, is my key to becoming a GOD.

Hee hee hee.

*Flowey ran away.


{Author's Note}

Well well well, looky here, my first Wattpad story. 

I hope it goes well, but in all honesty I think the Prologue's pretty great. Lmao. 

Please leave a comment if you think there's something I should change but anyway I think I should just leave it at that.

Obviously, Frisk is blind in this story (and also female). I was going to try make her gender neutral but that would have been too complicated and I'm lazy so :P deal with it. 

The narrator is at first omniscient but as you can see in the last line turns out to be.... I guess it's obvious. 


So as you can see Toriel says "I will guide you" instead of "I will guide you through the catacombs" because she's noticed that Frisky is blind.


I read a theory on Undertale Amino (which y'all should read it's pretty logical) that Frisk is most likely blind in the game as well because of the "Chara Narrator" theory (if you don't know, it's that thing when you examine things that comes up? Like "despite everything, it's still you" or "it's a snow poff!" Yeah, well there's a theory that says Chara is the one saying those things to you.). There are three main characters in the game, you, Chara, and Frisk. You control Frisk, or rather, Frisk is brainwashed by you and follows your movements. Chara is just "The Demon That Comes When You Call Its Name" so... that's pretty self explanatory. Anyway, there is a lot of evidence that points to Frisk being blind in the actual game, for the full details check out that Amino


Have you ever sat down in the shower?


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