"To-pa!" Turquoise called, hobbling over to her.

The moment Turquoise reached her arms, Topaz swept her up and kissed her cheek. The two of them had a very special bond with each other. That was where Topaz had gained her title of "Auntie."

Dinner was relatively normal. Turquoise wore a bib to try to protect her clothes from the mess she always made. Even then, she still managed to get her food past it. How she did it I would never know. She always looked so adorable when she was covered with mush though, and I couldn't ever hold back my laughter when I saw her face.

Bedtime was a different story. That had changed over the year. Peridot and I always told Turquoise bedtime stories, and—thanks to the vampires—there were plenty of them to tell. Turquoise would never go to sleep unless we told her these bedtime stories. Occasionally, Peridot would get a little too graphic in her stories, and we would find the little one curled up between us later that night.

After those nights, we would be woken up by her stumbling onto us, trying to get our attention so we would give her breakfast. It wasn't a very nice wake-up call, but neither of us could resist our baby's adorable little antics.

Peridot and I, on a different note, were still madly in love with no intentions to end anything within the span of infinity. I would occasionally find myself completely wrapped up in her arms and kissing her too deeply for it to be appropriate for Turquoise.

Topaz had spent a little bit of time while Peridot and I were adjusting to parenthood trying to find someone she could love like Jasper but with much less toxicity. Her searches didn't bring up any success. Jasper had ruined her, she had said. She was upset at first, but she eventually came to accept it. She said that she enjoyed being with Turquoise anyway, and that was enough to keep her perfectly happy. Turquoise had just made a new mess with her baby food when we looked back at her.

I laid Turquoise down in her bed for sleep. We had to give her another bath because of her dinner mess. We even had to put that cute little flower headband in the washing machine because she had somehow managed to launch some of her food onto it.

Turquoise reached toward me to try to ask for her bedtime story, so I took my seat next to her. Peridot walked into the room soon after that and sat next to me. Turquoise immediately began to start making noise, practically demanding her story.

"Hush, hush," Peridot said playfully, laying her index finger on the baby's lips. "I can't begin if you're making all this noise."

Turquoise cooperated and quieted down, ready to hear the story.

"Where did we leave off?" Peridot asked.

"I think it was you and the wolves were off doing some extra practice with Topaz," I answered.

"Right," Peridot said. "So the story continues. As the wolves, Topaz, and I were walking through the forest doing our practice, Royal Blue stopped us all because she had a vision. She saw Mama with all of the evil vampires about to bite her and suck all of her blood."

Turquoise's breath hitched. That's when I knew that we'd have an extra person sleeping with us tonight.

"We ran as fast as we could to this abandoned furniture store," Peridot continued. "When we went in, she was there. I knew none of us wanted to deal with extra fighting, so I tried to convince the lead vampire to give Lapis to me if I gave her my life in return."

"Mama..." Turquoise said quietly. Peridot held her tiny little hand and squeezed it, letting her know she was okay.

"The vampire didn't listen," Peridot responded. "She bit Mama."

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