Chapter 47: Comeback

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Nothing had ever terrified me like this. The windows were so fogged up with dust that I could barely make out a chair in it. No wonder they had chosen this place. I pulled open the door, which screamed as I did so. Anyone within a mile radius would be aware of my presence. I stepped inside, and, immediately, the chills overtook me. They were here. Peridot was here.

I took slow steps, each of which echoed throughout the room. I heard the door scream shut, startling me. I forced myself to keep walking. Eventually, I could see them there. All four of them holding their captive. I stepped closer, and I could finally make out the faces. I felt the tears running down my own face as I shouted the name.

"Peridot!" I cried it as loud as I could.

They let her go, and she came running to me as I ran to her. The moment her arms wrapped around me, it hit me like a bus. I just made a huge mistake. This wasn't Peridot.

I looked up and watched as the face of my love morphed into a different face. It was Serpentine. I found myself unable to breathe. This was all a ruse. Peridot was safe. She was just fine. I was lied to. This time, the tears dripping down my face weren't happy ones. I should have expected this. I should have.

Serpentine dragged me to where the other vampires were. They all grinned with satisfaction at how their trick had worked on me. I felt the fury bubbling up inside, but I was too tired out from just the thought of my mistake to channel it into action.

"Thank you for making this so easy for us, darling," one of the vampires—I believe it was Fire Opal—purred much too confidently.

"Peridot's going to find you," I grunted. "And she's going to kill you."

"Oh, humans," Fire Opal said. "They're so funny. Your Peridot has no idea where you are. She's not coming for you. You're alone here. Alone with us."

"What do you want from me?" It only came out in a whisper. I began to shiver.

"You know what we want," Spinel answered me before Fire Opal could.

"Hey," Serpentine growled, her grip on my arms only becoming tighter. "I'm not handing her over if I don't get my part of the deal."

"Yeah, yeah." Fire Opal rolled her eyes. "You can have the blood in her left hand. Whatever."

I looked down at my left hand. The diamonds in my wedding ring sparkled in the small amount of light in the shop. Of course. She had that weird crush on the amazing person that was already wedded to me.

"Right," Serpentine said.

In a matter of milliseconds, I was switched over to the other vampires. Fire Opal held me in a grip much more strong and much more uncomfortable than Serpentine's. She placed her lips on my neck and purred, feeling my skin for something. A spot to bite. Then a feeling like no other swept over me. I was just moments away from death. I almost felt terrified. This was it. It had all come to this. All the lovely times and all the turmoil had led to this. It was going to be all over.

The brush of cold fingers against my neck only reminded me of how close my fate was. It couldn't be bad if it was for a good cause, right? I was doing this for them. To protect them. They would be safe after this. They wouldn't be hurt anymore.

The cold wrapped around my neck. I wasn't startled. It was too close to being over. I took a deep breath. It would be the last breath I would ever take. After this, I wouldn't exist anymore. No one would have to worry about me. I would be long gone, forever lost to death, and my only remnants would be my blood in these vampires. Even then, I would soon be gone. I knew it wasn't all about how it would be to me, though. It was also about how it would be to everyone else.

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