Chapter 30: The Baby

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I was running through the forest. Just a quick jog. I had already gone nearly fifty miles, and it had only been around twenty minutes. The trees were flying by, and the wind was blowing through my hair. It felt so nice and relaxing. I continued to run to my heart's content. It wasn't tiring. In fact, it felt strengthening. I loved it. I loved the sun on my back and the grass on my bare feet. It was moist with morning dew. It made me feel cooler. Luckily, I had supreme control over my balance. Slipping on mud or wet grass would not be a problem.

Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Lapis's ringtone. A sense of panic suddenly overtook me. We were too close to nine months. It couldn't be here. Not now. I shoved the phone next to my ear and answered it, skidding to a halt.

"Lapis?!" I cried. "Are you going into labor?!"

"No, no," Lapis answered. "I'm just fine. I'm just calling to let you know that your mom invited us to lunch."

"Oh," I replied.

"How quickly do you think you could make it home?" Lapis asked.

I looked at my watch. "Fifteen minutes, tops," I answered. "I'll be running the fastest I can run."

"How far have you run already?" Lapis asked.

"I think around fifty miles," I answered.

"Wow," Lapis said in a hushed voice. "If you can get here in fifteen minutes, be here, I guess."

I smiled. "I will," I responded. "I gotta go now. My legs won't move themselves."

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. Then I ran as fast as I could. I could barely feel the morning dew on my feet because of how quickly I was moving. It was about fourteen minutes later that I stopped in front of the door. I threw it open, smiling.

"Lapis!" I exclaimed.

She walked to me, standing on her tiptoes and kissing me. She didn't feel that she could run anymore. The baby wasn't letting her.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"In twenty minutes," Lapis answered. "Your mom didn't say that we needed anything."

"Alright," I said. "Sounds nice. Did she say anyone else was gonna be there?"

"The wolves," Lapis answered.

"All of them?" I asked.

Lapis nodded in response, then looking down at her stomach. "Baby, you've been kicking for three minutes straight now," she said, smiling.

I found myself smiling. Our baby was very excited.

"I'm gonna get ready," I said. "My feet are wet and gross, and I need to change clothes."

"Sure," Lapis responded.

I sped into the bedroom and pulled a new change of clothes out of the closet. I changed as fast as I could. If someone had been watching, I probably could have set a new world record for quickest change of clothes. It would not have been hard.

I ran back out into the living room, where Lapis was waiting. I took her hand and led her out onto the beach. I loved the sand on my feet. I knew she did, too. We had spent the majority of the summer bathing in the sun on the beach.

We walked slowly to Mom's house. I didn't want Lapis to get hurt. We walked inside, and Mom immediately greeted us.

"Girls!" She exclaimed. "I made your favorite, Peridot. I figured you'd miss it."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep!" Mom answered. "Bacon cheeseburgers!"

"You read my mind," I said.

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