Chapter 3: Feelings

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"Lapis," a voice said. "Lapis!"

"Peridot," I whined.

I rolled over and pulled the covers over my face. Peridot pulled them off of me.

"Get up," she said. "We're leaving."

"No," I replied.

With a swift pull, Peridot had pulled all of the covers off of me. I was cold.

"Come on," she said. "Weren't you excited for this?"

"I didn't want to wake up," I responded, sitting up.

"Just get dressed, and we can get some breakfast. Then we'll get going. I'm taking you there," Peridot said, kissing my cheek. "And put on a jacket. I'd imagine you're gonna get cold on my back."

I finally got off of the bed and put on my clothes for the day. Peridot walked downstairs with our bags, and I followed as I put on a jacket. Yellow smiled at us when she saw us coming.

"I made you two some toast," she said. "Eat up and get going."

"Okay," Peridot replied.

"Make sure you bring your phone," Yellow said. "Just in case, okay?"

"Alright," Peridot responded.

We walked into the kitchen and each took a piece of toast. Peridot was quick to eat hers. I, of course, was much slower than her, but Peridot was much more patient than I. When I had finished my piece, we said our goodbyes to Yellow and walked outside.

"Ready?" Peridot asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

I climbed onto Peridot's back and wrapped my arms around her neck. She looked back at me and smiled.

"Let's have a nice, relaxing vacation," she said.

Suddenly, she started to run. She was right. The wind was making me a bit chilly. I held onto her a bit more tightly, hoping I could take in some of her warmth. We were soon in the forest instead of on the beach. Trees became green blurs that flew by us. I could barely even hear Peridot's feet hitting the ground.

"Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Just about," Peridot answered.

She ran at full speed for a little longer before slowing down and stopping. I gasped.

"There it is," Peridot said.

It was a little log cabin in a treeless part of the forest. It was beautiful. It looked so cozy. I wanted to go inside.

"Can we go in?" I asked.

Peridot let out a little chuckle. "That's why we came here, dork," she said.

"Oh yeah," I responded.

Peridot put me down and gave me my bag. Then we walked into the cabin together. It really was as cozy as it looked. There was a living room with a fireplace and even a television. I looked to my left, and there was the kitchen. To my right was a bedroom with a door that was only cracked open.

"How did you afford all of this?" I asked.

"A lot of work," Peridot answered. "Got myself covered for a few years."

"No way," I said.

"Well, I admit," Peridot replied. "My mom used to be a doctor. She retired when I got bit."

"Why?" I asked.

"She had to take care of me," Peridot answered. "I didn't know how being a werewolf worked back then."

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