Chapter 5

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NOTE: Sorry i have not updated in a while well this is chapter 5 continuation of ohhh poor baby and help and also note,if you don't see any title for the next chapters to come it is because i ran out of titles to give it.Thank you


I can't believe Raymond is late.He knows how important this date is to Amy and yet he is late.

"Honey Raymond is here" my doorman who is like a father figure to me yelled through the intercom


"At last,you are here!!!!!"

"Hi.Let's get going"

At the entrance

"Later Dad"

"Later Mr.Alejandro"

"Later kids"

In the car

"You know how important this date is to Amy yet you are late.Why?"

"I know.It's just that...."

"That you like her.I mean you have liked her since forever.Why can't you just ask her out already?"

"You know i can't.She doesn't like me like that,you know that right.I mean she's been in love with this Richard guy since she first saw him in 9th grade"


"Welcome back students and good morning.How was your summer break"




"It was ok"


"Yea yea whatever well it back to school for us all,your break is over so on your desk you will see the terms scheme,you will go through it and if you want to study ahead do so but before that we will be welcoming two new students in our midst"

"Good morning sir"

"Well good morning to you and your names are?"

"Well my name is Richard Frost...."

AMY: God he is cute.I could just stare at himall day.Richard...hmmm i love that name,it fits him perfectly..hmm and he also looks yummy and perfect;blond,green eyes,nice body from what i can see and that voice is just wow.It's like melting honey on cream...hmmm

"And my name is Michael Snow and i am from Michigan"

"Well go have your seat"


"I can still remember the look on her face and the way she licked her lips.She can never look at me that way so ther eis no need disturbing myself because she can never go out with me"

"Don't be so sure"

Ohhh poor boy

"Amy we are here"

"Finally.I thought you would not come"

"Hi Amy"

"Hi Raymond"

"Well let's get you dressed for your date"


She is finally here.At last i thought she would never come.

"So i have been meaning to ask you.How did it happen?I mean how did he ask you out?"

"It was yesterday....i just got out to grocery shop for my mom when i saw him and i went to meet him


"Hey,Richard what happened,you are looking all gloomy"

"Nothing much,got into an argument with Michael.Well it wasn't really an argument just...he hasn't called me and i have been trying his phone but he is not picking up'

Don't worry no need to tell me what happened if you don't want to.I was just checking up on you because you were looking so gloomy and id thought i could help which is wierd because we don't talk to each other but see each other at school and i know that i am rambling,i will just shut up now"

"Yeah but thanks though"

"No p"

"Ummmm....I have been meaning to ask you.Will you go out with me?I know it is not exactly romantics but...."



"Yes i will go out with you"



"Well.Thank you because you have just made my day"

"No,thank YOU because you have just made mine"

"Sooo...tomorrow night?"

"Yeah tommorrow night"

"Well i will pick you up at 7.Don't ask where because it is going to be a surprise'

"I love surprises"

"Good.See you tomorrow and can i have your number?"



"Sooo..that's how it happened"

"Nice.Soo where do you think he is taking you?"

"I don't know...."

"And i am through"

Wow i look beautifull

 "Yes you do"

Did i just think aloud?

"Yes you did and you are still doing it"

"Ohh.Thank you very much"

"No p.And the doorbell just rang"

"Ohh.Let's go"

"Don't rush just keep him waiting for 2 minutes so that you don't seem too eager"

"But i am anyway.Ok 2 minutes"

2 minutes later i am walking down the stairs.God i hope i don't fall in these heels and they are killing my feet but it is worth it because Raymond looks hot right now...wait...did i just say Raymond.God...i mean Richard looks hot right now.

"Hi Amy you look so beautiful" Raymond and Richard said together

"Hi,you don't look bad yourself" i said to Richard

"Well thanks.You ready?"

"Yes...Bye.See you guys later"

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