The truth is revealed

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Michael's P.O.V

"Thank God long break will soon be over"

"I don't want it to end but I miss the guys" Richard said

"Me too and I also miss the girls too"

"Yeah girls too"

I wonder why he sounds like that and I can't read him because he has on his blank,masking expression in his eyes or has he forgotten about the.......

"Can I tell you something and it must stay between us" Richard asked me

"Of course you can, we have been best friends since diapers"

"Ok. Just don't think differently of me when you hear this"

"Ok. I won't"

"Here it goes. I......ummmm.... I...."

"Just tell me already"

This suspense is killing and I wonder what he wants to tell me that has him trembling.

"Ok. I am Gay"

"Uhhhhh.....Gay as in happy or gay as in....."

"Gay as in I am into guys"

Richard's P.O.V

I finally told Michael. Not telling my best friend that I am gay as been a huge burden on me and I am so glad and relieved that I finally told him. But....... I have still not gotten a reaction from him and I hope he will still be my friend.

"Did you hear what I just said? I am Gay"

"I heard you the first time but I am just in shock here so chill" Michael whisper-yelled


God I wonder what his going on through his mind right now. I just love him so much that I can't bear the thought of losing him and I hope I won't. God please help me.

"You are gay"

"Yes that was what I said"

"Richard what you are trying to tell me right now is that you are gay"

"Yes. I am"

"Since when have you known?"

"Since 11th grade"

"And you are just telling me now. How did you know?"

"The first time I wanted to have sex with a girl.....Sandra actually...... I couldn't get it up"


"Her elder brother walked in on us"


"He is gay and well things happened. After that we started dating for a while"

"You were dating Scott? He is in college for crying out loud"

"I know but it was fun while it lasted. And I am in love with" with you "with someone else"

"Wow..... I can't believe my best friend just told me he is Gay!!!!!"

Yeah that was what I hoped wouldn't happen

"Sooooo..... Ummm..... What do you say???"

"Can I just go home and try to digest it because right now.....I don't know.....let me just go home first"

A Tale Of Awkward And Crushحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن