Chapter 14

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Hey guys, its been a while. Finally started writing again and I want to continue the book. For all those who read and enjoyed the chapters that have been available thank you and I am sorry it took so long for me to update it. If you enjoyed it please share with your friends and followers.


Anna's P.O.V

Well I hope the date went well for Amy....rrriinngggg


"Hello, Anna how are you?"

" Am fine. How are you and how did the date go?"

"Am fine and not as I expected".

"Yea. Why, what happened?"

"Well it turns out that Richard is not even remotely interested".

"What do you mean, any guy would be interested in you".

"I mean he is not even interested in our gender, Richard is gay".

"Gay? but why would he ask you out on a date if he is gay?"

"He just wanted us to be friends and he was going through something".

"Oh and how are you taking this news?"

"Fine actually. I thought I would be angry seeing that I had liked him for so long but it turns out that I just wanted to be friend with him".

"Oh well if you need company, you can come over".

"OK, I will get my mom to bring me over. See you in a little bit".

"OK, I will see you then".

Amy's P.O.V

Well the date wasn't exactly disappointing, it didn't go as expected but it was still OK and fun, and I got to make a new friend. Well, I have got to pack and prepare to go to Anna's house.

"Mom, can you take me to Anna's place?"

"Yea sure, I am coming, just give me a minute".

"OK, I am going to go pack a bag because I will be going to school from her house".

"Who will drive you to school?" she asked with worry in her tone

This woman worries to much

"Raymond will".

"Oh that nice cute boy. I think you should date him but I will keep that opinion to myself".

"Yes mom please do so".

"Well greet him for me when he does come to pick you up and also greet Anna for me".


"I am on duty tonight so you might not see me till Tuesday night and you have your key with you right?"

"OK mom and yes mom I do have my key so lets get going".

"OK OK gosh".


That's one of the reasons why I love my mother unconditionally and I think she is irreplaceable, she worries too much and she is loving but her job keeps her away but I know she is doing it for me, another reason as to why I love her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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