Chapter Four

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Pot 'O Gold

-------------------------------------------------------Chapter Four------------------------------------------------------------

 "I'm sorry, Lizzie. I tried to reason with her...but she won't listen."

I sighed as Nick lifted up my legs and sat in the spot they once were, then putting them back on his lap. Ever since I was cast as Maria, Rachel wanted nothing to do with me. I tried texting, facebooking..heck, even her MySpace, but no answer. I hoped Nick would've been able to convince her to talk to me, but not even coaxing from her boyfriend would do the trick.

"Maybe you just need to give her space for a few days," Nick shrugged, "When she's ready to talk, she'll talk." 

I'm just so tired of hurting everyone. That's what I wanted to say, but I knew that would just raise more questions from my older brother. No need for that, I clutched my wrist in my hand. It's been one week since the last time I cut...I was fighting the urge to do it again....but it was just so hard...

"I guess you're right." I gave a small smile, faking it like always. "I mean, it's Rachel. She always wants to talk." 

Nick chuckled, "See! Trust me, this whole thing will blow over in a week." He picked up the remote, flipping the channels. "So, how are rehearsals going?"

"....Promise you won't tell Rachel?" I bit my lip, looking at him. He gave a nod and I perked up, smiling as big as ever. "It's so much fun! We're in the beginning stages now, just learning our lines and songs...but it's so amazing! I've never felt so apart of something since I first joined glee...." 

As I countinued to describe my rehearsal to Nick, I couldn't help but notice the giant smile on his face. God, it's so weird to think that we weren't even close to being like this this time last year. Now that I have the Old/New Nick back, it's been getting kind of hard to remember the Old-Old Nick.

And I'm perfectly fine with that.


For the first time in my life, I was actually happy it was Monday. Let's just say, this weekend really sucked. It started with the lack of communication between Rachel and I, more like her ignoring my efforts to communicate, but after the conversation with Nick, I felt a little better.

Then..there was Sunday. Joe decided that it would be an excellent idea to invite all of his old teammates to the house for a rousing round of Call of Duty. Of course, this terrified me, being in the same house as my old bullies? Who wants that?

The only mistake I made was going downstairs when Joe wasn't with them. I was harrassed...big time. Unflattering cat calls filled the living room, even a few profanaties filled the room as I walked through it to get to the kitchen. Needless to say...I ended up going to the bathroom instead...if you know what I mean.

It hurt knowing that those assholes were the ones to break my one week clean streak...but, damn, it felt good to get the pain out. I played with the ponytail holders on my wrist, covering the fresh scars.

Now do you see why Monday was my savior? Well, it was until Glee period. It started innocently enough, Finn and I walked hand-in-hand as Blaine and I discussed some of the cues we learned on Friday, his own hand on Kurt's waist.  Once we reached the choir room, nervous chatter could be heard.

"Maybe she's just late..." Tina shrugged it off.

"Rachel Berry? Late to Glee Club? Are you sure we're talking about the same person?" Artie asked from his spot next to the chairs.

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