Chapter 3 Of 5

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~Third Person Point Of View~

Graser then explained that they could all go onto Mineclash and find every item in Minecraft she loves. "In DogCraft we could each build something on a new path we could call 'Stacy's Path'. In Mystic Mesa we could finish everything she had planned. We could flim the Mineclash here then go to Stacy's house to get on her other worlds to do the other videos!" He said. "That's a really good idea!" H said. "Heh thanks," Graser replied.

~Five Days Later~

Everyone was in tears the group of friends came up to the front of the chapel. Stacy's mother and pets were standing in the front. Her mother in tears and Molly, Milquetoast, and Pipsqueak seemed like they knew what was happening because they're down as well. The group took a camera and a bouquet of roses to the funeral. The colors were:


(Color : meaning)

Yellow : friendship

Red : love

White : innocence

Orange : excitement

Purple : love

Pink : grace

Green : constant renewal of life

Peach : thank you


They each laid one of the eight roses on Stacy's chest and went to talk to Stacy's mom.

"Hello Ms. Hinojosa," Graser said with faint smile. "Zachary? Oh hello everyone you must be Stacy's friends," she said back. "Yeah, we still can't believe this has happened," Joey said, breathlessly. "I can't either.. It's surreal," she said. They all talked for a while and she was greatful her sweet daughter had such good friends.

~Two weeks later ; Graser Point Of View~

We filmed the Mineclash finale while without saying anything about the Stacy predicament. We're the only ones that knows and we've all informed our fans that we're taking a break for a loss.

I've had a crush on the Stace-inator since we met in the Cube. I miss her so much.

Right now I'm booking a flight to Utah. Everyone else is too. We planned what we were going to build on Dogcraft when we got there.

~On the plane ; still Graser's Point Of View~

Right now I'm making a Stacy edit with all of her YouTube achievements and all of us talking about her passing. This video is going to go up on her channel after the other videos. It's hard for me to do this. In my part of the video, I explain my crush on her so I can try to move on. I just tell myself that. I know I won't ever let her go.

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