"We don't have a guest speaker this week," Demi continued to her crowd. "But we are hoping to have a representative from the Freedom Institute join us next time. Until then, make sure that you keep updating the feeds. The voting centres will have to cave to public pressure - that's the point of them!" She smiled before adding, "Help yourselves to food and drink; we have the room for another half an hour, so please enjoy yourselves. Make sure you check out our proposed university and local votes for the next few months, so you can get a head start on campaigning." As she spoke, three messages came through on Athena's glasses.

University vote proposal: extended contact hours

Quick vote proposal: compulsory student discount in local cafes and restaurants

University vote proposal: student run spring carnival

Athena wasn't at all surprised to hear Cress squeal with glee at the final proposal, which she began reading out to her friend at once. "'Campaign Groups A2, B7, C4 propose the foundation of an annual spring carnival, organised and run by the students of NLUP, financed using the university arts budget.' Oh, Athy, this sounds amazing! We have to vote yes!"

"Cress, it's not even been put forward yet, it's just a new proposal."

"Come on, Athy, Demi wouldn't have sent this through to us if she wasn't certain she was going to put it forward. Can you imagine the IR boost performing would bring?"

Athena sighed. Cress was getting ahead of herself again - even if the proposal went to a vote, there was no guarantee it would win. Other campaign groups might have different ideas over how that money should be spent. Or they might not vote on a show put on by the groups named in the proposal, and would counter by proposing their own show instead. It was pointless to start planning performances and costumes, particularly when they had no idea what the pop colour and fashion would be when the show was put on, let alone the music and performance styles that would be topping the pop charts.

Athena was more interested in the quick vote proposal. A student discount in local cafes and restaurants would do wonders for her tiny allowance.

"I really hope there's another national vote announced this term," Cress said, done with her performance plans for the time being.

"We've not even managed to finish our first one!" Athena replied.

"Which proves how important and exciting they are." Cress' eyes were shining with glee. "I can't even imagine how much fun our first world vote is going to be!"

"Given it's likely to mean something really serious is going on, I can't say I agree with you there, Cress."

"Oh come on, Athy, where's your sense of adventure? You'll never raise your IR with that attitude."

"I don't know, Cress," Dora said, appearing beside them. "Being quietly present can have more of an impact on someone's IR than you might expect. I've never been one for adventure, or risky campaigns - I leave that to Demi. I focus on documenting what she does and giving people an honest look at what's going on in the campaign group. It's doing me well so far. Anyway, I've got to run. Demi asked me to let you both know that she's proposed a hall vote, requesting a restriction on noise after 9pm. Some of the first years above us have been going over the top. We have important exams coming up and we can't focus. It will go live tomorrow, we're hoping we can count on your support."

"Of course!" Cress replied at once. Athena nodded.

"Great. We knew we could count on you. See you later."

"Sounds sensible to me," Cress said as Dora walked away. "Is that the time?" she exclaimed. "I've got make a move!"

"But the meeting isn't finished yet!" Cress never left early. Her behaviour had been strange all afternoon; she was overly excited and even more obsessed with her influence rating than usual.

"I have a date!" she beamed.

Athena's eyes widened. She had been with Cress all day, and her friend hadn't said a word until now. "Why is this the first I'm hearing about it?"

"Because I don't want to jinx it; I met someone really interesting on my way to the Democracy for Beginners lecture - if you'd managed to save me a seat you'd already know all about it, but now you're going to have to wait." A smug smile was spread across Cress' face. She was dying for Athena to press her further, but Athena didn't feel like playing ball tonight. If Cress was desperate to punish her for something that had been out of Athena's control, she'd have to be content to keep the news she was desperate to share to herself for a little longer.

"Well, have a lovely time. I look forward to hearing all about it when you're ready." Athena smiled, then left to catch up with some of their other friends.

{What would you have done if you were Athena? Given in to Cress and apologised so you could hear her gossip, or left her to stew for an evening? I think I would HAVE to know all the details as soon as possible, but let me know your thoughts in the comments, and please vote if you enjoyed this chapter!} 

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