Chapter 2

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This morning the mail came to our house and there was a letter that stood out to us that the rest of the them a letter from Gold and Silver

Dad opened the letter with us there since it was addressed to me, Dad and Felix.
The letter read:

Dear James, Rachel and Feilx Smith,

This letter is a letter of goodbye as by the time you recive this letter I may be dead. Don't worry I died happy, I guess I could say. I wish both of you are doing good. Feilx, Rachel I am so sorry for leaving you I did see you growing up I wish I could have seen it in first person and not be hidden. James I hope you found someone that loves you and you love them. Cause I saw her, Rachel and Feilx play together outside your house. I am happy for you. Don't worry about how I lived I just wanted to say that both of you keep working hard and I have something left for both for you and I wish you two to go get that is is you want to if not don't worry about it. I left my lawyers details if you want to contact her.

Felix, Rachel how are studies going? Are you studying hard? I hope so.

James I am sorry if this letter bring about some misunderstanding with whom ever your with now. All I hope for you and your family is that you guys to be healthy and happy.

Thank you for those happy memorises, I will cherish them even after death. If you have a wife tell her that I wish her the best for the future and I have something to give her which will be with everything I am giving to you.

Yours truely,

Olivia Isabella Knight CEO Of GOLD & SILVER and Founder of HER & HIS

In the back it read as following:

Please go see: Mrs Makayla Goradan at *San Franciso California* ...........

And it gave us all the details that we needed. Felix and I knew we had to go and look at what it is. So I ask Dad, "Dad is it okay if we were to go and see what it is she left since it is her last wish,"

"Depends if your mum lets you, cause you know she is very protective of you both," he said with a sad smile.

So we rushed to my mum who was cooking and asked, "Mum, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it Felix?" she asked while finshing the final touches to the cake for her friends birthday.

"Mum well can we go to California please?"

"Why is that you want to go ? Is it for some Universty work?" she asked putting the cake in the fridge.

"No Mum,our biological mother, Olivia has died and she said she left something for us can you let us go and check what she left for us,  please?"

"Well Felix, Rachel, what do you think I am going to say?"

"Yes?" I said worriedly.

"My lovely , sweet children, you can go once you finish that essay okay," she said with a sad yet sweet smile.

"Thank you so much mum, don't worry you'll always be our one and only mum in this world?" We say hugging her. We did look alike with the same shade of brown in our hair and brown eyes.

This is going to be a very different type of trip. A trip to find out how our birth mother lived.

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