Request- Jace Herondale

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Young engagement. For mundanes, not so normal in most communities. For shadowhunters... pretty normal.
And now... I'm engaged to the infamous Jace Herondale. At the age of eighteen. I cannot express how much love this man.

"Accadia! We have a new one!" Alec yells.
"We found a newbie. Her names Clary, she could see Jace when he was using his glamour rune" he explains.
"How old is she?"
"Your age."
"How is she new? Surely she would know by now?" I point out.
"Her memories were stolen or something, I don't know but I'm fairly certain she's searching for a bit of comfort right now and I think it might come from talking to you and Izzy." he suggests.
"So you're saying that 'girl talk' will cure her" I sass.
Alec chuckles, "Yes"

I traipse into the main lobby of the institute to find Izzy talking to a red-head, The new girl.

"Hey... Clary is it?" I ask.
"Yeah. Hi, you must be... Accadia? Jace's fiancé?" she asks pointedly.
"Yes that's me."
"You know... Jace is kinda hot." she smirks.
"I know that's one of the reasons I'm marrying him." I reply bluntly.
"Ok, try not to get too  defensive."
"Come on, let's get you to a room." I state as I drag her towards he nearest empty room... which is right next to mine and Jace's.

"So, here's your room. That one," I point to the door opposite, "Is mine and Jace's room... so if you need anything, we'll be right across the hall."

I walk back into the main lobby, wrapping my arms around my fiancé's waist.

"Hey you." I whisper.
"Hey babe. Have you met the new girl?" he asks.
"Yeah I've met the red-head." I reply bluntly.
"Her name's Clary." Jace points out.
"I know what her name is."
"So why don't you use it?"
"Because I don't like her vibe."
"Her vibe?" he scoffs.
"I don't know just something about her is... different." I say as I move to face Jace.
"She's new, you'll get used to her." Jace tries to explain.
"I'm not so sure."
"Well she isn't going anywhere so you're going to have to."


I don't bother responding and just go back to our room. I just can't afford to be stressed out right now... I mean I'm getting married. That's already stressful enough.

*a day later? (when they go save Simon)*

"This is why you don't let mundanes go anywhere alone!" I point out.
"Hey! Be careful what you say about my friend." Clary threatens.
"I'll say anything I want considering I'm saving his ass" I yell as I knock out two of the vamps.

I storm ahead, taking out many more vampires, and reaching the room that Simon was supposedly in.

"Oh hello Simon," I smirk, "We need to go."
"Where's Clary?"
"She's outside, now we need to go." I persist.
"I'm not leaving until I see Clary."
"For Angel's sake Simon, I'm TRYING to save your life." I point out.
"I need to see Clary" he insists.
"Well, you had your chance. I'm going."

I turn around and make my way to the exit. However, I am quickly stopped by a blade, stabbed straight into my stomach. By Clary.

"Oh my gosh! Accadia I'm so sorry. I thought you were a vamp..." she apologizes.
"Are you kidding me?!" I yell.
"Why don't you just use an iratze?"
"Seraph blades are laced with poison. That can't be cured with an iratze."

We rush back to the Institute and I make my way to the med bay. Just as I sit on one of the beds, Jace rushes through the doors.

"Clary told me you got hurt. Apparently a vampire stole her blade and stabbed you?" he asks.
"That lying bitch!" I hiss as I stick the IV in my arm.
"SHE stabbed me Jace! Your new girlfriend stabbed me with a blade laced with poison. She lied to you!" I yell.
"What?!" Jace says through gritted teeth.
"It was her." I mumble as the poison is flushed out of my system.
"Accadia, I am so sorry. I should have been there to control her. I should have been there when you were injured. You have no idea how bad I feel right now." Jace trails off.

I stand up slowly and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug.

"It's fine Jace." I comfort.
"I love you Accadia."
"Well I freaking hope so, you asked me to marry you" I chuckle.
This was requested by AzaleaLennox
I changed a few things to make it kind of fit with the storyline of Shadowhunters. I hope that you still like it though!
- Dani x

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