How he asked you out

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Jace: He asked you very straight forward. You had just finished a mission and saw Jace coming towards you. He dragged you to his room and asked. 'Would you like to go on a date with me?' You of course accepted and you both left with smiles on your faces.

Alec: Alec being Alec, it took a while for him to ask you out, he was too nervous to get rejected. In fact he was so nervous he ended up leaving a note on your bed that said, ' Y/n, I've been so scared to do this and I thought it would be easier this way. So yeah. Would you like to go on a date with me? If so would you please, I mean only if you want to, come to my room to talk about it- Alec'. You laughed at the clear nervousness of the boy and ran off to find him.

Simon: Simon was very nervous to ask you out, he had tried to ask you loads of times then chickened out. Clary had finally convinced him to ask you out again after his many failed attempts. And this time he didn't fail. He just came straight up to you and asked ' Dø you wanna maybe go out sometime?'. And of course you said yes.

Magnus: He turned up to the institute with a bouquet of your favourite flowers that had a note on them saying 'Would you like to get a drink sometime?'. You smiled you read the card and accepted.

Raphael: Raphael was actually nervous to ask you out. He was scared that even though he helped you when you first turned, you still hated him because he knew what Camille was doing. You were at the Hotel DuMort with Simon trying to figure out where you were going to go. Raphael tried to bring up a date in the conversation but never found a way to. He finally asked you out when Alec asked you to attend the new downworlder alliance meeting. Raphael pulled you aside after the meeting and straight up asked you. You hesitant at first but you soon then agreed.

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