Request- Raphael Santiago

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(Max's P.O.V)
Aldertree is ridiculous. He's taken Raphael in for 'questioning'. I don't trust Aldertree. It's as if my best friend at the institute, Alec Lightwood, new that I was annoyed. He instantly moves towards me to stop me from storming straight to Aldertree's office.
"Max, calm down ok. Aldertree won't hurt your vampire boy" Alec jokes.
"I don't trust him though, he seems very old-fashioned. You know the whole downworlders are evil times." I say back.
"Your lover boy will be fine." Alec smirks.
"Yeah ok Mr king of salt, if it was Magnus in there you'd be freaking out right about now" I sass back.
"W-what no..... ok you got me there" he tried to come back.
I chuckle at his failed attempt and just walk away. I walk across the Institute and just casually, accidentally, walk past Aldertree's office on my way.  I hear faint screams of pain and notice that the door is slightly open. As I walk past I am truly scared by what I saw. Raphael was basically handcuffed to a chair and Aldertree was using, what I could only assume was UV rays to pretty much torture him, just to get answers. The closer the UV rays got the angrier I became.
"HEY! Stop that!" I shout.
"Max, nice of you to join us..." Aldertree almost sneers
"Max, leave, get out of here. I'm fine" Raphael's voice strains.
"No. I'm not leaving. And Aldertree I swear to the Angel Raziel if that UV laser touches even the slightest bit of Raphael's annoyingly perfect skin again, the Clave will know about it so quick, it'll be like a friend of mine- Simon- just ran to them and told them as we speak." I threaten.
Aldertree reluctantly turns off the laser and lets Raphael go, staring me down the entire time. Raphael stumbles towards me, unable to walk.
"Come on Raphael,"I say lifting his arm around my shoulder, "We're going to Magnus's"
"Someone help me!" I shout desperately.
"Hey Max, what happened?!" Alec asks frantically.
"No time to explain, call Magnus get him to open a portal." I shout.
"Ok" Alec breathes.
Next thing I know there's a purple portal standing in front of me.
"Do you need any help?"Alec asks me as Raphael groans in pain.
"No. I'll see you when I get back" I reply before stepping through the portal.

I soon appeared on the other end of the portal and laid Raphael as gently as I could on the sofa.
"Magnus!! I need your help right about now!" I scream.
"I'm here" the warlock shouts.
"Heal him then!" I shout at him getting slightly annoyed.
"Ok calm down your lover boy will be fine" he sasses.
"Will both of you shut up and Magnus would just heal me the sun freaking hurts" Raphael suddenly yells.
"Ok. Ok. Calm down boy" Magnus tries to soothe.

*time skip*

Magnus had almost finished healing Raphael and there was a knock on the door. Magnus finished healing Raphael and then opened the door.  It was Simon. I knew Raphael didn't particularly like Simon at the minute and looked to where I thought Raphael was laying. But then I soon realised he was already face to face with Simon.
"Hi Raphael" Simon says trying to sound cheery but sounding more nervous.
Raphael doesn't respond with words, just a grunt and bared his fangs, threatening Simon.
"Boys, boys let's not fight. Raphael let Simon in." I reason.
Raphael looks at me almost desperate for my permission to tear Simon apart but I simply give him a death glare and he instantly understands.
"Actually Raphael, while I have you here would you mind opening this" Simon says as he hands Raphael a box of some sort. Raphael silently takes it and in a second has it open.
"Thank you," Simon says, "Magnus, he opened it so I think we can begin the summoning."
Magnus sashays with the box into the living room, and yes I mean sashays. Simon follows behind him as Raphael and I follow but sit on the couch.
"Thank you Max... if you'd have been seconds later, Aldertree would have hurt me even worse" Raphael mutters.
"Hey at least I didn't listen to you when you told me to leave" I chuckled.
"Yeah I guess I'm lucky that your stubborn" he jokes.
"Yeah you really are" I smirk.
"Te amo princesa" he mutters as he leans closer.
"What's that mean?" I inquire.
"I love you princess" he smiles.
"Well I love you too my prince" I reply as I close the gap between us.
We'd kissed before but this kiss was different, it was sweeter, more passionate, like we were saying so much without saying anything.
"Okay lovebirds that's enough, Raphael's ok now and I need to summon someone so get out" Magnus demands.
Raphael and I pull away and he speeds us back to the Dumort and we share one last kiss before I have to return to the Institue.
This was requested by BeautifulMax2001 , I think that this was requested a while ago so sorry that I took a while to write it. And yeah I hope you liked it
- Dani x

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