Chapter 55: Party

Start from the beginning

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted.

"Whoa," Topaz said, smoothing her hair back shakily. "What's going on?"

"It's your birthday, isn't it?" Peridot asked, leaning against the couch.

Topaz's eyes seemed to sparkle. "Yeah," she answered. "It is."

"Happy birthday," I said.

Topaz twirled a strand of her hair and smiled. If she were still human, her whole face probably would have been red.

"We have a whole party prepared for you," I said. "Hope you like it."

"A party?" Topaz asked. "For me?"

"Well, yeah," Smoky answered her. "Why wouldn't we throw a party for a birthday?"

"I-I haven't had a birthday party in eighty-two years," Topaz said. "Th-thank you all..."

At that moment, Turquoise began to become a little restless. The pacifier fell out of her mouth before I could take it out for her, and she was making quite a bit of noise. Topaz walked over to Peridot and took the baby from her, holding her close and rubbing her back.

"Thank you so much, baby," she murmured to her, kissing her head. "Thank both of you for all of this."

"Aw, it was nothing," Peridot responded. "Really, we're thanking you for all the favors you've done for us."

"You don't need to thank me with a huge celebration," Topaz said. "Just being able to help with this little one is enough. I really do appreciate this, though. You probably have no idea what it feels like to have a birthday party after so many years of just going through life knowing that birthdays aren't really important anymore. Not exactly when you're immortal."

"Hey, but that means you'll eventually be able to say that you're a thousand years old," Peridot replied, chuckling.

"That will be fun to say," Topaz agreed.

"Ready to have some cake?" I asked.

"Cake?" Topaz asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion.

"Strawberry cake," I answered.

Topaz's eyes seemed to open wide. "That's my favorite," she said, very subtly holding Turquoise closer.

"That's why we made it for you," Peridot responded.

"We figured that your favorite cake would be good for a triple digit birthday," I said.

"You're really doing too much," Topaz replied. "Now where's this cake? I really want it. I haven't had it in eighty-one years!"

We all walked to the dining room table, where Yellow was lighting the candles on the cake. I had almost expected her to put one hundred normal candles on the cake, knowing her, but she, instead, did the common sense thing and got a one candle and two zero candles. Topaz looked very interested in the cake. She looked more interested in it than when vampires noticed my smell.

"When do we eat it?" Topaz asked, sitting in her chair.

"After we sing happy birthday," Yellow answered.

Right then, the song began. The entire time, Topaz was smiling with her fingers entwined like a child. It was an adorable sight. When it came to birthdays, she still had her childlike innocence. The song finished, and Topaz blew out her candles. Turquoise squeaked in response to her sudden movement.

"Can I give her some icing?" Topaz asked.

"Probably not," I answered. "When she gets a little older, you can."

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