the list

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Kingston's pov: 

it's been two hours and i can't find Val anywhere i've been searching forever i decided to go back home and ask Richelle

i pulled up on the drive way just to see Joaquie on the door step  

"Kingy! there you are!" she said

"not now, Val's in trouble" i said pushing past her 

"she's Finneeee she is most likely just looking for attention" the bitch said crossing her arms

"no she isn't i was an ass to her and i need to fix it!" i said to her harshly 

before my phone rang 


"hey i'm gonna get to the point your girlfriend is at my snakes and latters bar, you need to come and get her, she is drunk of her ass and ranting about how much of an ass hole her boyfriend is" came sloanes voice, a girl from Riley's new A troupe team 

"but i'm her boyfriend" i said confused 

"yeah well your an ASSHOLE now get this girl to bed and make it up to her you idiot!" she yelled hanging up 

i started to run to my car completely ignoring Joaquie trying to convince me not to go

*half hour later* 

"Cupcake... are you ok" i said poking her arm 

"she started balling her eyes out before passing out" sloane said glaring daggers at me 

i sighed feeling guilty before lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to the car 

*next day* 

Val's pov: 

"Val i'm sorry-

i cut him off by slapping him 

then repeatedly punching his chest 

"I HATE YOU!" i cried 

"i love you" he replied 

"you suck" i yelled 

"i know"

"I hate you for making me feel shit!" i wailed 

he just nodded taking it all 

"now go get me food you worthless piece of shit!" i yelled pushing him away and face planting on the bed

*half hour later* 

ValTheQueen: Kingston basically cheated on me what should he do to make it up to me?

TheKing87:   😞😞😞

Richie143: nothing he basically cheating on you DUMP HIS ASS

ValTheQueen: joaquie kinda manipulated him

booklover: oh i know! he should do the list thing me and james did!

ValTheQueen: i like it, i'll start on it right away!

TheKing87: oof 

(no more texting) 


1, cut off all ties to joaquie 

2, go bungy jumping 

3, get all As 

4, get a job 

5, kiss a frog 

6, wear a skirt to school 

7, do something that shows you care 

8, prank ALL the teachers 

9, say sorry to josh (u ass) 

10, kiss a guy 

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