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Val's pov: 

right know i'm running away from Kingston...


i quickly ran to my room and was about to close it but Mr light weight throws in open and traps me in a bear hug before i can escape 

"release me!" i yell dramatically 

"never!" he yells back equally as dramatic 

i stop struggling and look into his eyes 

we get closer

until our noses are almost touching 

suddenly the playful energy in the room has turned

almost romantic? 

and just as we were about to kiss...

"KINGSTON? WHERE ARE YOU?" came Pipers voice 

we quickly separated just as Piper walks through the door   

"what are YOU doing here?" Piper asks 

i swear does she spend her days practising sounding pretentious? 

"why are YOU in MY room?" i ask mocking her shitty tone

"Kingy i told you to stay away from this piece of trash" Piper said stomping her foot like a 3 year old 

"says the person that looks like it" i snap

Kingston laughs but then tries to cover it up with a cough 

Piper walks up to me and tries to loom over and intimidate me

kind of a hard task when she is like 7cm shorter than me

"slut" she sneers in my face

"slut jokes are just WHOREable" i say with an amused grin on my face as i see Kingston still trying to not laugh

Piper gave me the: WHY AREN'T YOU UPSET YET? look before saying 

"at least you admit how worthless you are" Piper rolls her eyes 

"yeah kind of like how you REFUSE to admit how pathetic your attempts to hurt me are" i say with a kind smile 

"What-ever" she says turning to leave 

"what-ever" i repeat mocking her Diva tone 

as soon as she left me and Kingston burst out laughing

"VAL! A LETTER CAME FOR YOU!" i heard Richelle call 

i squeal in excitment as it is most likely my college letter 

i run down stairs and snatch the envelope out of her hand 

"snatching's rude y'know" she teases

i stick my tongue out at her and rip open my letter 

and just as i'm about to read my either rejection or acceptance letter

Richelle snatches it out of my hands and starts reading it aloud 

 "dear Valerie Elise Cain (changing her middle name) we regret to inform you..."

"regret to inform me!?" 

"we regret to inform you THAT IN A FEW MONTHS YOU'LL SPEND THE NEXT FOUR YEARS AT Harvard!

"wait seriously i made it in?" i ask in disbelief   

Richelle nodded and i started jumping up and down in excitement

a chorus of "congrats Val" and "you'll be amazing" went around the room but the one that stood out to me was Kingston saying: 

"I'm proud of you Cupcake"  

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