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warning: if you don't like the idea of Piper being the Villan don't read 

Val's pov: 

piper is seriously pissing me off

yesterday when Kingston teased her a bit she went crying to James of course James then stormed into the room where me and Kingston were playing games and it went down like this: 

"KINGSTON!" we heard James yell

we had time to glance at each other before the door slammed open to reveal a furious James 

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!" he screamed in his face

"nothing!" kingston said in defence

"bull shit! Piper just came to me crying that YOU and Val were bullying her!" James yelled at me now

"James shut up if anything it's YOUR sister being the bitch" i told him keeping my cool

"you watch your tongue!" James yelled at me

"Don't yell at her!" Kingston said 

"YOU shut it" James yelled... again 

"what's going on in here?" Richelle said suddenly in the room 

"Val has been bullying Piper!" James accuses ridiculously 

"No i didn't!" i said i was getting angry now 

"Valerie seriously why would you do that?" Richelle asked angry 

"I DIDN'T! y-you don't believe me?" i asked hurt 

Richelle stayed silent 

"i see how it is, never trust the kid that was almost raped and always trust the spoiled brat" i spit

"Val-" Richelle tried to say but i cut her off by punching a whole through the door

and making my way to the gym before i fucking loose my mind  

i started by doing push ups  attempting to sweat out the anger before taking it out on the punching bag pretending it was Piper's face i knew i was moving fast i didn't stop until the punching bag burst open causing sand to spill out 

"what did the bag ever do to you?" Kingston said from behind me amusement in his voice 

"glad this amuses you"i say bitterly 

"it doesn't i'm sorry Pipers been such a bitch and that you've been dragged into this" Kingston says 

"its fine Apollo" i reply 

"but it isn't so i'm going to make it up to you" he grins 

"how?" i asked my spirits lifted 

"we are going to a party Noah banned me from going to and you are coming"

i grin 

"meet me in the car Cupcake"

"perfect i'll be ready in 10" i reply and run to my room past a guilty looking Richelle i don't even acknowledge  her 

i quickly slip into a tight red dress that ends just above my knee's, brush my hair and jump out the window slipping into the passengers seat of Kingston's car 

"how did you do that?" Kingston asked as i buckled up my seat belt 

"do what?" i ask 

"look so damn good in 10 minutes Piper takes an hour" he laughs 

i laugh with him 

as he pulls out of the drive way as soon as he does this i can hear Noah and Richelle and James and Riley Yell after us 

i just smirk 

*half hour later at the party* 

as i got out of the car i heard men whistle after me but stop when Kingston gets out and stands next to me 

"hey bro!" said a voice 

i turned around and saw a boy with brown hair (josh) 

him and Kingston did that weird slap hand shake hug thing 

"hi I'm Val" i introduce myself 

"hey i'm josh and um kiss me if i'm wrong but Dinosaurs still exist right?" he said trying out a pretty stupid but kind of cute pick up line 

i laugh and peck his cheek 

"seriously man whats with you always having a hot chick at your side?" josh asked Kingston

"what can i say? the girls love the King" kingston said flexing 

"please i can do better than you" i tease

Kingston and Josh just laughed i laughed to until i felt someone slap my ass followed by 

"hell yeah ya can" said the unknown voice 

i grab his wrist and swiftly turn around with my bitch face on

"nice body you got" the guy said he had black hair (Alphie) he was cute but nothing compared to Kingston

wait why am i comparing him to Kingston?

"yeah i know how about you leave while you still have your balls" i snap 

"woah missy how about you go make me a sandwich since that is all women are good for" the man grins 

i'm glad Kingston didn't try and defend my honour he knows i'd much rather handle this  by myself 

"well i seem to be out of Jelly so here is a knuckle Sandwich"  i said punching him hard in the nose his blood splattering on my dress

good thing i wore red 

i took a bow as everyone who saw clapped and cheered

some dancing and a round of shots later well for me Kingston did 3 rounds of shots now he is drunk off of his ass

"come on you i think your drunk enough for once night Apollo" i said grabbing his arm 

"nooooooo i'm noottt" he slurred 

i ignored him and continued to drag him to the car 

"Cupppcaakkee you llook prreetttyyy prretttierr thhann ppIpper i wishh i waass ddaatting yooouu" 

"shut up Kingston you don't know what you saying" i said rolling my eyes and shoving him in the car and got us home safely and getting him to bed 

before walking out to face Piper 

"you should stay away from him" she said 

the nerve this girl has 

"and you should learn to do something other than disappoint your parents" i snap

i wasn't having it tonight 

"y-you should leave me alone" Piper stuttered 

i stepped up to her looming over her 

"i can break your nose in 5 ways in under 3 seconds you really want to test me right now?" 

she ran away scared shitless 

i sigh 

and collapse on my bed immediately falling asleep 

A/n K so i'm gonna be updating a lot more cuz holidays r coming up 

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