Mabel: *yells in excitement* Grunkle Ford, can I please go on this quest?!? I am literally obsessed with unicorns!!! My first word was unicorn, I once made my own unicorn by taping a traffic cone to a horse's head, are you even looking at the sweater I'm wearing right now?!?!?!? Not to mention that I'm probably the most pure hearted person in this room.

Ford: That's true. She's got a point.

Dipper: Right, can't argue with that.

Mabel: So can I go on a mission to get that hair?!? Please please please?!? I'll give you my blood!!!

Ford: Very well.

Mabel: YES!!!! And (y/n), you'll be joining me!!!

You: Eh?

Ford: But it won't be easy. Take this. *gives Mabel his journal* And this. *gives Mabel a crossbow*

Mabel: Ooooh!!!

Ford: I haven't been in this dimension for a while. It's ok to give children weapons, right?

Mabel: Psh, c'mon, dawg. *accidentally shoots an arrow out the window*

Stan: *outside* AH, IT'S THE COPS, GUN IT!!!

Mabel: ... *takes her phone and calls people* Candy, Grenda, Wendy!!! Clear the afternoon!!! *grabs your wrist and runs off*

Dipper's POV

Dipper: So what are the odds she gets that hair?

Ford: If I had to describe unicorns in one word it would be: frustrating...

Dipper: So what are we gonna do about Bill?!?

Ford: Follow me.

Ford takes me down to a secret room bellow the shack, but above the portal bunker.

Ford: Welcome to my private study, a place where I keep my most ancient and secret knowledge. Even your uncle Stan doesn't know about this place.

Dipper: *follows Ford near some monitors*

Ford: If we can't "Bill Proof" the shack, we'll have to do the next best thing: *takes out a strange devise* we're gonna have to "Bill Proof" our minds.

Ford put the strange device on my head which was now tightly secured, and beeps began coming from the computer.

Dipper: So what is Bill exactly?

Ford: I don't know, nobody does. Accounts differ of his true origins.

Dipper: *takes a file and starts looking through it*

Ford: I know he's older than our galaxy and far more twisted. He doesn't have physical form, he can only project himself into the thoughts of mortals through the mindscape. And that is why he wants this. *shows you and Dipper a weird galaxy looking snow globe*

Dipper: What is that...?!?

Ford: A tear in our dimension...!!! I dismantled the portal, but with this tear Bill still has a way into our reality. To get his hands on this rift, Bill would trick or posses anyone.

Dipper: So how do we keep Bill out of our minds?

Ford: Well there's a number of ways. I personally had a metal plate installed in my head.

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