4 Conclusions

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The following conclusions have been drawn based on the study displayed in the above manuscript;

1. The episodes happening during death are so many, that its possible only if time has dilated that time.

2. Life is like a tunnel corridor with time moving through us at the speed of light.

3. The main unit of time is 'Bars'. It is bars that makes us feel the passage of time.

4. Bars creates "sticks" when two bars get distanced. This results in high number of stick intervals.

5. Each stick interval contains a constant number of 'episodes'.

6. Mir'aj (night journey of Prophet (SAW)) is explained with these models with ease. These models also explain why life in heaven shall be everlasting.

7. Heaven is very close to the white hole at a point where the 'bar interval' is infinite. Bar interval is distance between two bars.

8. Gateway of heaven lies where the bar second bar appears right after the white hole.

9. There are stars orbiting the white hole (like Sagittarius A orbits the black hole) and planets (apartments of heaven).

10. Soul can be detected if the nano second wave recording modified VEP microelectrode wireless cuff are placed in close apposition to the surface of the primary visual cortex and each wave is decoded into the visual color, thence getting a perfect shape. A software that learns the waves as distinct color is needed for the above task.

Life After Death And The Heavens Beyond ModelWhere stories live. Discover now