1 SECTION I (1.1 Introduction)

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1.1 Introduction
Since Biology is the study of living organisms, biologists study all aspects of life of a human being from infancy through till the old age and death. Mechanisms for aging have been discovered and a lot is known. But what is it that gives the body life in itself? If, for instance, David is dead, why say that David is no more in this world even though his body still lies infront of us? This puts in us great questions. Like is there life after death? If David died and his body is still here, then whats the thing that really left this world if it wasn't David's body?

Thence; Life = Body + Ambiguious something

Now to form a theory, we need to know certain things in hadn first.
Majority of the Holy Quran has been scientifically proven correct [41]. Also nothing from the Quran has been proven wrong. Yet portions from the Quran are ambiguous, neither proven right nor proven wrong. Now assuming that since Quran and Ahadith have never been wrong till now , lets assume whatever ambiguous stuff there is in the Quran is also right, as also says the logic. Based on this, I formed theories to explain life after death and the Heavens from the eyes of Quran and Ahadith. The theory on life after death can be worked upon and the soul can thence be discovered if the Quran and Ahadith are correct, since they have never been proven scientifically wrong by anyone).
Thence; Life = Body + Soul ------ Important equation assumed on the basis of Quran and Ahadith(which have never been proven wrong)

Thence we will observe things mentioned by Quran and Ahadith as laws and formulate theories and experimenting on them, if produce positive results, can create a change in our way of thinking and discovery of the soul can aid in the further study of life in Biology as the 'life beyond'.

A Muslim's belief is that everything that is around us is all a creation of Allah (SW). It's based on the fact that every creation has to be created by a creator and all Muslims believe in the creator as the Allah (SW).

Allah (SW) has created all living and nonliving things. He Has revealed the Holy Quran to the final Messenger (SAW). It is indeed a miracle that the Quran has stayed unchanged throughout the 1400 Years since its revelation. And also it's a miracle in itself that the Quran hasn't been proven wrong as yet like other scriptures have been proven to have scientific mistakes. This is because the Quran is the word of God only. While all other scriptures, even though were words of God, have been manipulated in words by the human handcraft and artistry.

I will give one example to prove.
The discovery that the earth is round is only recent a few hundred years ago. While Quran mentions it years ago as
"And we have made the earth egg shaped". [Al-Qur'an 79:30]

The Arabic word Dahaha means egg shaped. It also means an expanse. Dahaha is derived from Duhiya which specifically refers to the egg of an ostrich which is geospherical in shape, exactly like the shape of the earth.

After all the earth is not really spherical but has the shape of an egg and is elliptical as recent science discoveries also show.

Many atheists argue that before Quran many such things were also suggested by the ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle and Pythagoras who also believed that the earth is spherical. Maybe the Quran stole these items from them. But the point here is again that why did Quran only take the correct predictions and leave out the wrong predictions of ancient Greeks.
For instance;
Aristotle says that women have fewer teeth than men.

But it's not at all like that. And neither does Quran take it to mention this fact.

Thence the book of God (Quran) is really miraculous in the fact that science has continued to prove it right and the facts that haven't been proven yet, they are yet to be discovered.

Assuming the fact that 80% of the Holy Quran has been proven correct and 20% of the Holy Quran hasn't been proven yet(means its ambiguous i.e. neither proven right nor proven wrong), as Dr Zakir Naik also mentions, we can give the Quran the benefit of doubt to see how accurate it is. So assuming that since 80% of the Quran has been proven scientifically correct, let's say that the remaining 20% that hasn't been proven yet is also correct.

So first comes this fact that;

"Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah." (Surat an-Nisa': 80)

thence whatever prophet (SAW) said has also to be obeyed upon.

Anas ibn Malik (r) said, "I am going to tell you a Hadith that no one after me will tell you about. I heard it from the Prophet (s). Knowledge will go and ignorance will come up. Wine will be drunk and zina (adultery) will be everywhere. And there will be less men and more women. For fifty women there will be one man." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Anas ibn Malik (r) said from Signs of Last Days, 'ilm goes and doesn't come back:

'Knowledge will go and ignorance will come up'.

And in the continuation of this Hadith, he said:

'Wine will be drunk and zina (adultery) will be everywhere'.

Is it happening or not? Are people drinking or not? [Yes.]

All these events have been happening and the Prophet (s) mentioned it 1429 years ago, which we are all witnessing today.

Thence as its quality of a prophet to always be speaking the truth, it's all in front of our eyes all the prophecies laid down by the prophet (SAW).

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