(1.6 Time as having bars, sticks and episodes)

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Isn't it so strange that in life after death for the people of heaven, they will be riding a horse for instance for hundred years and during all this time they shall also stay in their youth? Means for them time shall be passing in terms of spending life. Means they will be experiencing various "episodes" like riding and resting and riding and resting for instance, but they won't experience passage of time since they shall stay young. Now to fit this all "time will pass but it will not pass". Since this statement is confusing, we need to emphasize and make it clear. In other words, time has to have more subunits just like distance in km, meters etc. But we don't need to say millisecond, centisecond. It's more than that!

To explain this I have devised the theory that time (being a creation of Allah) has "bars, sticks and episodes" with episodes being the smallest unit of time irrespective of how many seconds or milliseconds there may be in each of them.

The popular space time fabric model of Einstein when brought into imagination explains space time as a sheet of cloth on which lay the sun and earth orbiting the sun for instance. The space time fabric in that model picture very common shows that space-time (which I simply call time) as vertical and horizontal lines that are moving. Because of their movement, we experience the passage of time.

Now let's consider just one set of lines. Let's say we are humans and have souls. In that case, it's like human body is the vehicle and the soul is the driver of this vehicle. Beneath us is a continuously moving floor escalator that is the space-time fabric or simply "time". Imagine we are continuously seeing horizontal lines passing beneath us at a constant rate. This is the inevitable time that is passing through us. The lines that we visualize are making us old as they keep passing through us. These lines that make us age and get old with time and then eventually die are called "Bars".
The distance between two bars is called "Bar interval", within each bar interval are "sticks". Bars are like fluid containers that are always full of fluid (sticks) somehow. When the distance between two bars (bar interval) increases, then a given bar interval somehow gets to contain more sticks. Also since the distance between two sticks is the "stick interval", so as the bar interval increases, it gets to contain more stick intervals.
Between two sticks imagine other lines that are the simplest units of time (just like atoms are the simplest functional unit of matter). These are called episodes. Their number is constant in a given 'stick interval'.

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                                    The ultimate bars,sticks and episodes figure of time

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