Savior ▪ Chan

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"Hey!" I poked my boyfriend, trying to get his attention. But he didn't notice me. I tried to slap his lap but he just put his head on my shoulder.

We're at our living room right now currently watching his favorite anime movies. We're already watching movies for six hours straight. I'm already sick of all the japanese speaking. I mean, reading the subtitle while trying to look at the character makes me dizzy.

"Chris, let's go out." I spoke slowly. Again, no response. Luckily, the remote is on my side so I turned off the tv.

He looked at me fiercely but became calm after seconds. "Why did you do that?" He asked.

"I'm tired watching movies already. Let's go out." I pouted. He then smiled and stole a kiss from my pouted lips.

"You should be thankful that I love you more than anime movies. So where should we go?" He asked.

"To the mall!" I happily stand up from my seat and clapped my hands like a six year old girl wanting to go out and buy ice cream.

"Okay. But let's go to the church first." He said and stood up.

I look at him with disbelief. "You still believe in Him?" I asked, trying not to raise my voice.

"What? What are you talking about? Of course! He saved us." He stated. Chris is a religious guy ever since I met him. He always go to church and served God. And in that place, we met.

I'm religious too. Before. Until I was raped and abused. I tried to call for help but nobody heard me. I tried to call His name but nobody came to save me. Nobody heard all the screams and sobs I did at that time. I was alone, taken for granted, abused. They took my innocence for granted.

"He didn't." I answered him. We don't talk about God all the time. He tried to open a topic about the bible or about Him but I always divert it.

"Aren't you over it?" He asked. I was surprised by what he asked and I didn't notice that my hand flew towards his face. I slapped him.

"Yes, I'm still not over it! You weren't there! You didn't know what I felt!" I said, pointing at my heart. All the feelings I felt at that time came back. I'm angry, I'm afraid, I'm weak.

Tears flow down on my cheeks as I looked in his eyes. He then look sorry. He slowly approach me and gave me the warmest, most comforting hug I might ever receive.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"You can just wait for me inside the car." He said. His love for God is limitless. Even though we fought, he still passed by the church and pray.

We're already driving to the mall. The whole atmosphere is silent until my phone rings.

To be continued. . .


I'm really sorry for being inactive. I haven't been really productive as of the following weeks but I will try to catch up. Thank you so much for reading! Have a nice day!

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