Best Friends Part 2 ▪ Felix

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Felix's POV

Shin left. All I could do is stayed in my room and think about the possible reason why she left. I know I hurt her but we could talk. She doesn't need to move out of my condo.

Shin has been hurt multiple times, but she chose to forgive. She has been fvcked up but she chose to be the bigger person. She has been lied to but she chose to see my good side. I'm so lucky to have her but I let her go.

I should've been there when she is hurting. I should've been there when she is crying. I should've stayed by her side. I should've chose her.

"Hello?" I answered the call. It's already been two weeks since I didn't go to school. I don't care anymore. I'm so fvcked up right now.

"This is your aunt, lix." A person said from the other line. It is indeed Shin's mom. I think she is going to ask about her daughter. What will I tell her? That she is at her friend's apartment?

"Yes, aunt Mary. Good morning." I greeted in a tired voice. I didn't get much sleep last night since my friends and I hangout at the bar.

"How are you son? Are you doing great at school?" She asked. She always calls me her son since she wants me for Shin. Even when I was just a kid, they already asked me about my particular age of marrying their daughter. I have plans before but I ended as a jerk.

"I'm good." I shortly replied. I don't want to be rude but I'm just so tired. She sighed.

"Shin wants to talk to you." She excitedly said. What? Shin? Where the hell is she?

"You know where she is?" I asked. She chuckled on the other line.

"Of course! You silly boy! She told me she wants to visit here so I let her be with us. She told us that she asked permission to you. Why are you so shocked?" She said. So Shin told them that I knew where she is? So she is abroad with my parents and her parents? I was left alone.

"Can I talk to her?" I asked. There was a long silence. Maybe she is now whispering at Shin.

"Mom!" Shin exclaimed.

"You and Felix should talk. You have been watching movie since last night. And you already ate five boxes of pizza. You gained weight." Aunt said.

"Whatever mom. Netflix and pizza is life." She said. I don't know why that line makes me laugh. She loves movies while eating pizza and she doesn't care about gaining weight. I missed her.

"I'm sorry Felix." Aunt apologized.

"It's okay. I need to hang up now. Bye aunt! I miss you!" Before she could reply, I already ended the call. I walk to the bathroom and quickly take a bath. I should go to school now. I still can't get over about what happened but I'm sure she is safe now.


Night time came. Hyunjin called and asked me to hangout again but I got a lot of school works. Since I have a long absent, I need to take exams, do assignments and make projects. It's so tiring and I regretted not going to school.

A ring on my phone startled me. I didn't looked at the contact  name anymore and immediately answered it.

"Hi? Hi? Hello?" Said the other line. I can also hear loud nusic and the signal isn't that good.

"Who is this?" I asked using my baritone voice.

"I'm Lacey. I'm a bartender." She introduced herself.

"Why are you calling me?" I asked. Why would a bartender call me anyway?

"Ahh. . . I think you know a girl named Jash?" Jash? So she have another nickname huh?

"Yes. I know her."

"She is really drunk and keeps on calling nae sarang? I don't know what that means so I think it's a name. I opened her phone and searched for nae sarang." She said. Nae sarang? My beloved? I know Shin loves to watch Korean Dramas and usually the genre is romance but what is the connection? Why is this bartender calling me.

"Then why are you calling me?" I asked.

"'Cause your contact name is nae sarang. Can you come? She is really drunk right now?" The bartender said.

"I can't. Can I talk to her instead?"

"H-hello. . ." Shin said. God! I miss her.

"Just stay there Shin. And reques- - -"

"I miss you, nae sarang. . ."


It's been awhile chingus! I got inspired after watching SKZ Vlive that's why I decided to finish this. TYSM for reading!

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