Happy Never After ▪ Bang Chan

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•Bang Chan
•You as Alex Fernandez de Garcia


Alex's POV

"Are you ready, Alex?" Mom opened the door wide as she slowly entered my room. I look at the reflection of myself in the mirror and turned my gazed into Mom.

"I think." I replied. Today is a special day. A happy day for everyone. But I don't know why I feel quite melancholic.

"We need to go." Mom went out of my room. I sigh.

"This is it." I whispered to myself.

I went downstairs and directly went to my sister's room. I looked at her from a far as she smiled widely, indicating that she's really happy.

I approached and hugged her. "Are you happy?" She asked that really surprised me.

"Of course! Why would I be sad?" She just shrugged.

When everything is already set, everyone went to the church. I rode on the bridal car with my sister. She looked at me as she hold my hand and gently squeezed it.

"Are you okay?" She asked, for the nth time.

"Yes. Why are you always asking things, Cyan? I'm happy and okay." I quickly replied and smiled.

Walking down the aisle, I smiled to every person I passed by. The man I really love was smiling widely as he waited at the altar. He looked so good wearing black tux with his hair looked unkempt- the style of his hair that his always wearing. As I watched him, I realized that this is the best day of his life. The best day that he'll forever reminisce and knowing that, I'm already happy.

I slowly walked into my seat and looked at him.

"Thank you." He mouthed as he smiled.

A tear slowly escape from my eyes as I looked at my sister slowly walked down the aisle. Everybody's eyes is on her- the bride. I wish I was in her place. I wish I was her.

"I, Cyannie Fernandez de Garcia, in faith, honesty and love, take you, Bang Chan to be my wedded husband, to share with you God's plans in our life together united in Christ. And with God's help, to strengthen and guide me, I will be your supportive wife, for better, for worst, in sickness and in health, in joys and in sorrows, until death do we part. With this ring I seal my vow of love to you, Chan and pray I may fulfill God's place in our home. In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." My sister said as she smiled with a tear tracing down her cheeks. I, on the other hand put my hands on my mouth to stop myself from crying. Maybe other people would think that I'n so happy for them but little did they know it's the other way around.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced as they smiled and kiss each other.

The wedding ended well except for the fact that I stayed silent until we arrived at the reception. Until someone puts his arm on my shoulder.

"So are you ready for our up coming wedding?" He said.


I made this story out of boredom so there are lots of grammatical error. But still, hope you like it.

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