Chapter 12 Skeptical Decisions

Start from the beginning

Both of them straightened up plastered a mild welcoming smile on their faces.

"Oh my god!" Kathie screamed in joy "you are here. We were so worried. Where had you been? We'd been looking for you everywhere."

"We do not need your theatrics Kathie" Danny was rude "John is here and he is late for work, let him do it"

"Why does he have a stick stuck up his ass?" John whisper asked Kathie.

"ssshh..." Kathie whispered back "Danny rarely loses his temper. When you went missing in the morning he felt that he forced you with alcohol and since you were under influence of alcohol either you lost your way or were crushed by a speeding vehicle."

"But I am good and right in front of him" John argued.

"And should I celebrate?" Danny shouted again.

"I didn't say that" John turned defensive. He was tired and jumbled up and the add on drama by Danny was too much to handle "look if you want I can apologize."

"What do you mean I want you to apologize?" Danny yelled and when he saw some customer approaching the shop he said, "you know what never mind. Do your job and go wherever the hell you want to."

"Look Danny I am sorry" John wanted to finish off the matter and he didn't want to be cross with Danny. He was family by now and he meant more to him than..than .. John couldn't find a metaphor so he concluded Danny was more important to him than his eagerness to learn about his past. "I should have informed you but you weren't home and again I do not have any phone nor do I have your contact number so reaching out to you was impossible." He fisted his hair in his hand "I was stuck"

He still felt being stuck in his conscience of to do or not to do.'

Danny did not speak after that. He simply plugged on his earphones and was lost in his own world.

Kathie too left shortly with a small "take care"

"Thanks" John hugged her slightly "I will"

Danny watched them with the squint of eye but did not say anything.

John attended the customer who was there for cartridges and some cleaning stuff.

After finishing his chores of the shop John took his corner of the shop that he normally took whenever he was free.

It was a small recliner near the window and since the curtains were slightly pushed to one side the sunrays filtered into the shop perfect for him to bathe in the heat.

John opened the sheet of paper and was looking at the layout when few more customers entered.

Every time he tried reading into it he was disturbed by incoming customers or disappointed fake coughing by Danny.

Only when he was alone during lunchtime John took the moment to first search for Merlin on social websites.

There were plenty of Merlins and there were even more of Merlyn. He will have to ask Cynthia if he was merlin with I or y.

He typed Merlin Trump but there were so many of them. He found it strange too.

How many of Merlins had Trump as their second name?

Did they find it as weird as he did?

Yet none of the profile picture matched his facial features.

John couldn't focus on his work; Danny blamed it on last night's alcohol and offered him to go home for a short nap.

John was so pleased that he could kiss Danny there and then.

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