1. Ajax

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Growing up, I always knew that I was different but my parents and brother -well pretty much the whole family- never treated me any differently. They always made sure that I had a perfect life, well as perfect as any kid that was born with Down syndrome can have. If I'm being honest with you, I never truly felt like I belonged in the pack since I was so different from everyone else, especially since the older and even younger pack kids treated me like I was the scum on the bottom of their shoe.

Beau, our parents, and family always made sure that I was happy and that no harm ever came to me but I always knew that no matter how hard they tried to shield me from that, it will always happen. Even more so now that my brother found his mate. When Derek came into the picture, I won't lie and say that I liked him because I didn't. He came and took my best friend from me but as the more, I got to know him, the more I became aware of the type of person he was. He didn't treat me differently and instead treated me like I was his equal and sometimes treated me like I was above him even though he was the future alpha of the pack.

I learned that my biological parents had abandoned me in the woods when I was born because of my condition and that a pack member had found me and brought to the packhouse where Mama made it just mission to watch over me before he and Papa adopted me when I was 2 years old just after they had gotten together. I always blamed myself for my biological parents leaving me the moment I was born. Had I been born 'normal' like all the other kids then maybe, just maybe, they would've kept me but then I think back to how my life is now. I have the best parents and siblings anyone could ever ask for.

A tap on my shoulder made me jump and I turned around to see Derek standing behind me with a smile

"Sorry for scaring you" he signed giving me a sheepish smile but I shook my head

It's okay. I wasn't paying attention. I should've been able to smell your scent I replied and he raised a brow

"Is something wrong?" He asked every worry wort that he is. Ever since Derek and Beau got together, Derek has always been attentive to everyone, especially me. As I said, when we first met, I didn't like him but over time I grew to be fond of him. The moment I first met him, I thought he would just come in and take Beau from me but instead, he proved me wrong by always coming here and spending time with us instead of going out and having alone time with my little brother. The only time he had taken Beau out had resulted in an attack by his old shifter pack. When they had arrived home, Derek had gone out and fought them to keep the pack safe from harm and in turn, he was badly injured resulting in him being in the infirmary for a while.

"Ajax" Derek called and I looked at him to see him waiting for a reply and I sighed

Don't worry about it. It's the same thing as always.

"Thinking back to what your life might have been had your real parents kept you?" He questioned. I had grown close to him and I consider him one of my best friends and I can confide in him for everything. He knew about me wanting to meet my real parents, "You don't need to think about that because if they had wanted you they wouldn't have cared if you were born like them or not. You were born with an extra chromosome that makes you unique and incredible and they missed out on that because they were selfish and cowards. Your parents, Preston and Ryker, love you and they don't care if you were born with downs or not."

I bit my lip and smiled because he was right. I have the best parents I could have ever been blessed with and who gives a shit about my birth parents? I should be glad that I have a family that cares and loves me for me not for what I look on the outside.

You're right, Derek. Who cares about them when I have the best parents ever I replied and he grinned before throwing an arm over my shoulder and pulling me towards the house.

Today, Beau will officially take his position of alpha of MoonLit Oasis. He would have gotten it sooner but due to a few bumps along the road such as the attacks we've had since Derek and his family moved here and Derek being in the infirmary healing from his injuries.

I walked to the front of the stage and took a deep breath before beckoning Beau over to stand beside me and he smiled standing next to me and Papa walked over and everything form that moment was a blink.

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