14. AJ

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It's been a few days since my parents and sister came to live at the pack house after Dominic's death. His presence was a dark cloud hanging ove them. The relieve that they felt when Dad ended his life was palpable. My mother had to endure years of pain at Domino's hands after she was taken by force by him and forcibly marked which caused her even more pain.

It was heartbreaking to witness the pain my mother had endured. Her spirit was broken, and I could the scars etched deep within her soul. She was a mere shell of her former self, haunted by the memories of Dominic's brutality. And now that I knew that he wasn't my biological father, I felt more relief and joy knowing he will never hurt my mother or sister again.

Not being able to see her and Emily when I left was hard but now that they and my father lived with at the pack house, I was overjoyed, but in the back of my mind, I knew that my parents and Emily will be leaving Moonlit Oasis to reclaim his rightful place as Alpha.

As the days passed, I noticed a subtle change in my family. The weight that had burdened their shoulders for so long began to lift, ever so slightly. There were moments of laughter and genuine smiles, moments where we forgot about the past and embraced the present.

I took it upon myself to be there for them. I listened to my mother's stories, allowing her to release the pain that had been bottled up inside her for far too long. I spent time with my sister, assuring her that she was safe now, and that no one would ever hurt her again. And I stood by my father, supporting him as he tried to piece his shattered life back together.

In their darkest moments, I reminded them of their strength. I reminded them of the love that surrounded them, the pack that would always stand by our side. Slowly but surely, they began to believe in a brighter future, one where Dominic's presence no longer held power over their lives.

"You've grow to be an incredible young man, AJ," Father said as we sat in the yard watching the pups running and playing, I bit my cheek, "I just wish I had been there to protect you from Dominic's wrath."

"You're here now, that's all that matters,"I said and he nodded, "we may have lost 20 years but bien that we're  together, we will have new memories to make."

"And I will enjoy every moment of it." I smiled at that and nodded before sighing which had him raising a brow. "Now that you and mother are back, will you be taking her and Emily back to California?"

He sighed as he looked towards my mother and little sister who were chatting and playing with Ajax and his sister. "Yes." I nodded, "I know it will take them a while to get used to being away from here but moving away will be good for them, especially your sister."

"I agree," I replied and he looked at me surprise written all over his face but I smiled, "Emily deserves to know what having a father is. Dominic may have been her sperm donor but he was never a father to her. I had taken that roll before I was forced to leave the pack."

He nodded, "I can assure you that little Emily will be very well taken care off back in California."

"I know she will be," I stated as I liked at her then back at him, "she'll have you taking care of her and protecting her from all the dangers that lurk in the shadows."

"Always." He nodded and smiled as Emily ran towards us before jumping in my father's arms with a beaming smile before handing him a little flower she had most likely picked with Ajax's sister, Alana.

"This is for you," she said and Dad looked down at her with a warm smile as he took it out of her hands.

"Thank you, Princess," he replied making her beam. Emily, the first few days after she was brought to the pack, was very reserved and would not leave our mother's side not even when Alana came to visit. She was like my mother's second skin with how close she was. But little by little she began to ease herself away from our mother's side and even allowed Alana, who had self proclaimed herself to be Emily's best friend, to lead her away to play with the pups. Now those two were inseparable and I wonder how they'll react when Dad tells her that they'll be leaving for California? They'll be devastated no doubt but I know they'll be a okay.

>she's a strong pup< Stark said as we watched Emily drag dad away who chuckled.

>That she is< I agreed and smiled as mother took father's spot beside me. "How are you feeling?"

"Happy," she replied and I could see how her face was full of life and her eyes were bright, and I smiled before taking her hand in mine. She looked at me before her smile fell and was replaced with a frown. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked even though I knew what she meant.

"For lying to you all these years," she answered and I hit my lip but nodded, "I want you to know that I never meant for it to happen but Dominic forced me."

"I know," I said and she looked at me with tears in her eyes, "it wasn't hard to figure it out after I learned the truth from Preston and Ryker about who my father was."

"Oh how I wish I had been strong to leave him," she murmured with a sniffle, "but I couldn't, not when he threatened to kill you and Dawn—and my god did I hate him when he killed your sister—so I had to do what he said."

"Dawn is in a better place, mother, and Dominic is gone and he'll never hurt you or Emily ever again."

"Or you," she said as she cupped my face, "I was too a scared to protect you the way I should have and I don't blame you and will never blame you if you hate me for that. For allowing that man to hurt you when you were a mere child who didn't know wrong from right."

"I could never hate you, mother," I murmured reaching for her hands and pressing a kiss to her knuckles, "there is only one person I hate and he's gone. He's the reason for all of our suffering and pain, and he will rot in hell for eternity."


"Thank you for letting us stay here for the past few weeks," Dad said to the Beau and Derek who shook their heads.

"You don't need to thank us," Beau said with a smile, "we are more than happy to help my brother-in-law and his family." Ajax smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist making me lean down and press a kiss to the top of his head.

Emily was silently crying in Dad's arms as he and mom stood by the car. Today was the day that they were leaving Canada and returning to California. Emily was absolutely devastated when they had sat her down to tell her the news of their move. She had thrown a tantrum that ultimately tired her out so much so that she had fallen asleep before lunch. I couldn't blame her though, she was finally getting used to being around unfamiliar people and befriending others and now she'll have to do it all over again.

"You are more than welcomed to visit any time you wish," Derek said as he stood beside Beau. I bit my cheek as a tidal wave of emotions rushed through me as we hugged my parents and sister goodbye.

"And the same goes for you as well, Alpha Derek." Dad said as they exchanged handshakes.

"You take care of yourselves," Mom said as she cupped my face before looking at Ajax who was sniffling, "I hope that the next time we speak or see each other, there will be a new member of the family." Ajax gave her a watery smile event though his cheeks were red with a blush.

"You can stay with us in the summer," I told Emily who had stopped crying and was just sniffling now, "and when you're older you could come live with us, if mom and dad say it's okay. And don't forget, we can always FaceTime."

"Promise?" She asked holding her pinky and I smiled as I reached inside the open window to lock mine with hers.

"I promise." She nodded wiping her tears before smiling. "I love you, Em."

"Love you too, big brother."

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