The date

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That day we went to a lot of places like amusement park, the movies and even a romantic date. Lets start with when we went to the amusement.

You're probably wondering we were that cute and huggy couple but we were'nt we were just holding hands or the certain surprise kisses on the cheeks. We went to rollarcoaster in which I may add the baby was afraid I admit he tried to do a good job hiding it but what can I do I just saw through him.

*Gulp*'Jagi do we have to go to the rollercoaster look I saw a couple ride lets go there instead huh whatcha think awesome right come on lets go'

Before he could drag me away I pulled him towards the roller coaster you should've seen his face it was hilarious. He didn't know I was teasing him.

'Babe you aren't scared are you now'

'Pshhh what are you talking about I'm not scared'

The roller coaster ride was fun except when Min Hyuk got scared he was clinging on to me for the whole ride. It was fun seeing his scaredy face on.

'I thought you weren't scared'

'I thought so too'

Being the childish kid I am I dragged him to the cotten candy stall my eyes just concentrated on the wheel which spun the cotton candy, Min Hyuk was laughing at my childishness. We grabbed our cotten candy sticks and went to the a new ride. We realised it was getting late.

We went to the movies next in which we had a mini fight for which movie to watch I was going for the horror type while he was going for the action, comedy, romantic type in which I won. We ended up watching the conjuring in which rather sometimes I clinged onto him while in some parts he clinged on to me. It was past 9pm when the movie finished Min Hyuk blindfolded me after taking me some unknown place. Which was apparently a romantic date.

Minhyuk planned a romantic dinner with me just for today, it was a surprise. He took me to a famous restaurant in which he booked the couple seat which was outside under the stars. I ordered a spaghetti while he ordered plain pasta. The pasta was smaller than the spaghetti that I had we decided to share since it was almost enough for both of us. At times we had the same spaghetti which he ended with simple kisses.

We had a small chocolate cake for dessert which he knew was my favourite. He took me to a beautiful forest next with lights surrounding it he planned it along. We sat there gazing at the stars. It was around 9 when we left to my apartment, we did not do anything we just cuddled in my warm, cozy blanket. Sleeping till the next morning.

We had a school day tomorrow anyway and my hyukie was attending school with me and the.

Guys do you want me do add other groups in here as well please tell me and which group the more comments one group has the better. Comment or text me to let me know. I'll announce the group or groups who will enter the story but depending on your votes. Once again thank you everybody for supporting my story.

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