The Savior of This World

Start from the beginning

Rin watched as your sight diverted to the ground beside her, lids lowered solemnly. A look of acceptance shattered the fatigue in your expression.

No. That doesn't matter anymore. I will always love Obito, but if he's happy with her then... I need to accept that. I never deserved him anyway. Not after the way I've treated Rin.

"If I were even more honest, Rin, I actually was so envious of you that I thought that... I wouldn't be upset if you... went missing. If I had only one last thing to say to you, I'd say that I was wrong. I was absolutely wrong for how I felt about you and how I treated you all these years. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Rin only stared at you in silence. Tears pricked at your eyes, clouding your vision of her, when a small, faint smile appeared on her lips. "Thank you... (y/n)... I"

Your heart immediately swelled with Rin's gentle words.

She forgives me.

You smiled back at her, even finding the strength to chuckle out of relief, before it faded as you remembered the grim situation you all were in.

This is all my fault... I tried so hard to prevent Rin from getting captured, and Obito from falling into despair, yet it happened anyway. 

What can I do, Obito...?

What do I do, Minato...?

I'm so lost, Obito... Minato...

Suddenly, words from the Fourth Hokage flashed through your mind -

" - the bond you two share will keep him from falling under Madara's influences."

"And (y/n),"

"Don't ever regret what you did."

Your eyes promptly widened in realization of what Minato had meant that day.

I can still save Obito. It's not too late. I need to see him.

Minato's words continued to dance through your mind like a beautiful chorus as you struggled to lift yourself up by your trembling arms, determined to find Obito and Madara before he could brainwash him.

Before you could try to stand up, a sickly white gelatinous form emerged from the wall next to you, grabbing both you and Rin before seeping the two of you into the wall.


"See, they're both still here, just like I told you," Zetsu said with annoyance in his voice as the two girls collided with the ground a few meters away from Obito. "Maybe now you'll consider the plans we have laid out for you."

"(y/n)! Rin!" Obito exclaimed with hope and relief in his voice. His onyx eyes scanned over your bodies, his brows furrowing harshly at how weak and debilitated you two had become. His worried expression soon morphed into that of rage, his tone switching to pure anger. "If you think that I'll listen to anything somebody like you has to say, then forget it! Let them go right now!"

You groaned from the impact, slowly raising your head just as you sensed a new, sinister presence examining you.

"...How pitiful, Uchiha. Undoubtedly you have discerned the love you carry for these two is only a source for pain and anguish, and nothing more," a frail but deep voice emanated from behind you as you took a quick gasp – one that was full of fear.

That voice...! It's...

You lifted yourself on your hands to look at the menacing form towering over you.

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