Sam startled awake and looked around him, his eyebrows furrowing when he noticed they were parked. "Where are we?"

Delaney slid over so Sam could let himself out and stretch his legs out as well. He leaned against the car next to her and he seemed to be wondering the same thing as her. Where the hell was everyone? She looked across from where her and Sam were propped against the car and noticed that even the small children's playground was empty except for one little girl that was playing on the jungle gym.


"Yeah, kid?"

"What time is it?" Delaney questioned and grabbed his arm to look at the watch he kept wrapped around his left wrist. She wondered how the thing still even worked because she had gifted it to him as a present when she was ten and had practically begged their Uncle Bobby to take her to the store to get her older brother a nice gift for his fourteenth birthday. "It's 4:10."

Sam scanned the playground as well but came up with the same result as his sister. Just one little girl and her mother that sat on the bench. "School is out for the day isn't it?"

"That's the weird part, Sammy!"

"Okay, so," Dean walked back over to his siblings and handed them both a coffee. "The waitress thinks that the local freemasons are up to something sneaky, but other than that, nobody's heard about anything weird going on."

Delaney took a long sip from her coffee as she stared thoughtfully at the playground. "The playground being empty after school is pretty weird to me."

Dean followed his sister's gaze and he seemed to be having the same thoughts as her. He mumbled something about being right back and waltzed his way over to the mom that sat on the bench, keeping an eye on her daughter.

"You think this could have something to do with what Dad sent us to do?" Delaney asked Sam, looking up at him.

"I don't know," Sam replied as he raised his coffee cup to his lips. "It's definitely odd that there are no kids, but not sure if it's our weird or not."

After a few minutes of talking with the mom, Dean made his way back over to his siblings. "Six kids are in the hospital because of some sickness outbreak. Parents are keeping their kids in the house because they think it's catching."

"Guess we have to hit the hospital up then, boys."

◆ ◇◆ ◇

"Dude, I'm not using this I.D," Sam complained as he rushed after his siblings into the Dane County Memorial Hospital, shoving the I.D. in his older brother's face.

"Why not?"

Sam gave Dean an exasperated look. "It says bikini inspector on it!"

Delaney choked on her laughter as she looked at the I.D. and saw that it indeed read just that. This was going to get real interesting. "Oh she probably won't even look that close, Sammy. Just flash her it and put it back in your pocket."

Sam glared at his baby sister's obvious use of the word flash to which she merely shrugged innocently. 

"Hell, she won't even ask to see it!" Dean chimed in and pat Sam on the shoulder. "It's all about confidence, Sammy!"

Before Sam could protest, Dean spun him around to face the reception desk as he and Delaney stood off to the side. The two siblings exchanged amused smirks before wiping them off so they seemed professional and not at all suspicious.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 | 𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 [1] ✔ (EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora