Chapter 10 Pt 1 - Ruth Quinn

Start from the beginning

But neither prom and its aftermath nor James' ranking in his graduating class were of concern to Martha at the moment. Her attention, rather, was on what lay directly ahead. She had been James' girlfriend for more than six months and had yet to step foot in his house or meet his mother and both were imminent.

They passed through the doorway and into the home. The carpet was silver and the walls were white, clean, and nearly bare. To their left was a living area with two couches and a coffee table and to their right, a hallway leading to what Martha assumed were bedrooms and bathrooms.

A boy stepped in front of them. "Hey, welcome to the Quinn home." He noticed Martha. "Oh, hey Martha. He'll be stoked to hear you're here, man." His name was Nathan. He was a junior and in Martha's civics class. "So everyone's pretty much in back. They got drinks and food." He pointed to the hallway. "Bathrooms through there on the left if you need it."

Over his shoulder, Martha saw James walking toward them from the kitchen.

"Hey, Jimmy," Nathan said. "Martha's here."

"Thanks Nate," James said. "Seriously, this is so cool of you. I'll get somebody to take over in a minute, okay?"

"No problem, man. Whatever you need, man."

James turned from Nathan. "Steven," he said and extended his hand. "Thank you so much for coming."

"Don't mention it," Steven said as he took the hand to shake. "My pleasure. And congratulations." He released James then handed him an envelope.

"Oh, that's not necessary."

"Nonsense. You're a college boy now, and all of those late night pizza runs are going to add up."

"You're probably right. Thank you." James turned his attention to Martha. "Well, hey there, Mad-"

"Don't," she interrupted.

"-dame... Madame. Just calling you 'madame' because..."

"...because I'm a married French woman?"


"Right," Martha said, nodding skeptically.

James made a face to Steven – boy, am I in trouble!!

Steven chuckled then asked, "Is your mother here?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think she's out back. We can go-"

"Hey Jimmy!" someone called from the front door.

"Hold on one second," James said to Martha and Steven. He looked to the boy at the door. "Sup, Andy?"

"I got the ice and the pop and the hamburger buns and the napkins," Andy said. He was sweating and breathing heavily but appeared excited about the report. "Where do you want 'em?"

"You're the best, Andy!" James said. "Do you think you can bring them around back?"

"Sure man!" he said enthusiastically then left.

"Sorry about that," James said to Martha and Steven then resumed leading them to the back of the house. They passed through a modest dining room and then the kitchen. The sink was filled with dishes and the countertops were cluttered with used paper plates, soda cans, and other debris from the party. Martha noticed the refrigerator door was as blank as the walls, however. Unlike her own, there was not one family photograph or report card or doodle... Past the kitchen was another set of couches with an entertainment center and a sliding glass door leading to the back yard.

They stepped out onto a wooden deck filled with students spilling onto the lawn. The yard had no trees or supplemental structures, but its grass was cut and a healthy green. James led Martha and Steven through the crowd, giving and receiving greetings to and from his guests. They passed Andy, emptying a bag of ice into a cooler and another boy tending the grill and then there was his mother, standing just off the edge of the crowd.

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