Chapter One: I'm Not Your Average High School Girl

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This story is old. I was in eighth grade when this story started, so don't expect much if you're looking for a well-defined plot or great grammar skills because this is one of my first novels, and I didn't even know the proper grammar rules till the end of my Freshman year.

It's up to you whether or not to take this warning into consideration. However, I'm letting you know...this story is even hard for me to look through it. And I wrote it. :P


Chapter One: I'm Not Your Average High School Girl

"Wait! Stop, give me my purse back!" A voiced yelled, through the thick crowd of people.

I whipped my head over, searching through the crowd, to see a lady in her mid-twenties pointing at a man. Her face was filled with shock, and something else I couldn’t determine from where I was standing. The pudgy thief was pushing through people, awkwardly, his quick escape not so quick.

At first, I was going to just keep walking, but when I noticed that no one else was going to try and catch the robber. With a sigh, I began to pursue after the man. Many students at my school think I’m crazy, and people watching me right now probably think I’m crazy too, but I’m definitely not your average high school girl.

Once I was within earshot of the man, I warned. “You better stop. All you’re going to do is get hurt.”

Of course, it was all just a waste of breath because he just kept running like a maniac. From the sound coming from his mouth, I knew here wasn’t going to get very far. He looked like he was wheezing already, and he hadn’t even gotten a quarter mile down. The lunatic pushed through five people before stumbling and tripping on the sixth person, the leather, scarlet purse skidding away from his body. Perfect timing, I jogged a couple of feet and grabbed him by the collar of his torn, dirty jacket, just as he tried to scramble up.

He was trying to escape my grasp, by trying to trip me off the ground, so to stop his feeble attempts, I kneed him hard in the stomach. I heard his shallow breath escape his mouth, just as I let him sag to the floor. He lied on the floor, gripping onto his tummy, tightly, with groans and moans leaving his lips involuntarily. 

"Well, that wasn't much of a challenge." I smirked at the guy, who was now throwing up his insides all over the pavement.

 Within the next twenty minutes, the police arrived to take the trash out. They cuffed the middle-aged man, who still had some throw-up on his shirt. I shuddered at the scent of it, completely gross. Once, they put him in the backseat of the familiar black and white car, they turned to me saying thank you. I shrugged, showing that it was no big deal, and then they left.

I grabbed the scarlet purse that was still lying on the ground, dusted it off a bit, and then handed it to the lady that was standing a few feet away from me.

 “Thank you so much! You're such a brave girl. If I were in your position I would have just let the guy go!” The lady smiled, taking the purse from my extended hand.

 “No problem, I’m used to doing reckless stuff.” I replied, returning her smile. I looked down at my watch and frowned, it was getting really late, and I hadn’t even started my homework yet. “I gotta go, see ya. Oh, and be careful.”

I waved at the brunette quickly, and immediately started to walk back to my house. I weaved in and out of the crowd, that had formed around the incident, and followed the recognizable path that led to my home.

Yes, I’m a tomboy, and I have a real strong sense of justice. Not many people these days seem to show that. Nope, in fact, most people try to ignore the signs of mistreatment, bullying, thievery, all of it. So, instead of just “pretending” I don’t see what’s happening, I stop them. Whether, it’s the nice way, or the hard way….that's entirely up to that person.

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